Chapter 11- The Dress

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Theodore Nott was a good student. He didn't love to study but he knew that any hard work he put in now did pay off later. He was used to spending 2-3 hours a day in the library studying and doing homework. It was a good solace from the world around him and helped him concentrate. He relied on the library very much and so far, it had done its job, but, for some fathomless reason, it couldn't tell him anything useful about Hermione Granger. Slamming his head on the table, Theo groaned in frustration. She was an award-winning author goddamnit. Lifting his head up for the millionth time, he pursued his frustratingly short list on what he'd figured out.

-She's written 4 books about Charms

-Known to be the brightest witch of her age

-Had a big part in the French part of the second wizarding war

-A prophecy was made about her

-Supposedly gone missing

-Is studying at Hogwarts, as a boy

It was hardly anything to go on. The prophecy could be a fake, as an excuse for her disappearance, so there was nothing concrete. And what did Ginny Weasley have anything to do with this. At the thought of the Gryffindor, Theo's stomach did a backflip.

Yes, he had a crush on Ginny Weasley.

Popping a Fizzing Whizbee into his mouth, Theo let his forehead rest on the table, just as a voice disturbed his thoughts.

"Hey, Theo"



Slipping his list smoothly into his pocket, Theo looked up at the concerned face of Hermione Granger. With her face looming so close to his own, he noticed how feminine her features were and wondered how he hadn't noticed it before.

"Theo" she repeated.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Are you alright?"

"Of course," He smiled at her in a reassuring manner.

"Are you sure? You're spending hours in the library. You aren't struggling on anything, are you?" Hermione shot him a toothless smile. "You know you can always ask me for help?"

'I'm alright' he repeated, nodding.

"Ok" Hermione sighed, still not satisfied with his answer. Theo had been acting unusual around her and she had caught him staring with a small frown on his usually cheerful features at her more than once. 'You know you can tell me anything, right?'

Theo nodded silently.

"Okay then. Do you want to come to the common room? If you're done studying, of course' Hermione asked, trying to fathom exactly what had been troubling her friend these past few days and why he wouldn't tell.

Waving his wand in response, causing the books on the table to return to their place on the shelves he looked back at her with a smile "Let's go, then!"

"The others have been worrying loads, you know?' Hermione said, looking uncertainly at Theo as they left the library. "You haven't been acting yourself." He stayed silent "You know that the library isn't healthy in large quantities?'"

"Look who's talking," he said mockingly.

"I don't overdo it" Hermione shook her head.

"Says only you" Theo laughed.

"I don't" Hermione insisted, but she laughed albeit herself.

Soon enough they reached the Slytherin dungeons and the moment Theo entered, laughing heartily to something Hermione had said, Pansy launched herself upon him.

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