Not so Fresh Start(Part1)

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hey guys ! this is my first time i wrote a book so bare with me from the grammatical errors and spelling of any words i mispelled.

so please please bare with me

Connie was 16 years old and her brother, Xavier was 12 years old when their parents died.
I woke up from the pounding of my head. Groaning, I  pressed my hands to my eyes and shake my head. As I try to sit up from the laying position. My head bumped at something hard.

Opening my eyes , it was dark. Everything is pitched black. Placing my hands from above  I bump my head into.

Fuck! That hurt!

Where the fuck I am I?!

Knocking the wood or the cupboard to know how thick it is. I think I'm in a cupboard or wood compartment . But wait , in a what?

Theres a straight light beside me. I immediately know where I am. Kicking the door of the bag compartment.




I fall from the bag compartment of the airplane. Rolling to my sides and try to stand up.


Where the fuck Im I? Seriously.

I stand up once again and stumble a little from light-headedness. I tried to shake away the feeling.

As far from what I can remember, my last mission before I retire from being an assassin is to kill the mafia boss, Rafaelo.

Theres a line of chair. Two every column so as the other side.  Then it suddenly hit me. Right! I was drugged and abducted by the brother of the mafia boss I killed.

So here I am! So what? Is he trying to seek some revenge on me? Because honestly I'm up to it.

Walking through the aisle lazily.

My name is North Constatine Knox. A 23 years old girl with degree in law at the age of 19 but thats preparatory only. Why so early? Im not gonna brag but I'm kinda like genius but my brother is way waay more genius than me.

Why did I choose law? Ironic isn't it? Well, it this kind of world, you have to work and live smart. Thats why I choose law, to know the ins and outs of government. And you know, for my work, I'll have an alibi if ever they pinpoint me.

Law isn't my forte as you say. No, not really, it's history actually. As I said before, it's necessary and a smart move for my work.

For now, I stopped studying. My main course of my life is to find my dear brother.

I heard voices behind the door Im facing right now.

I open the door slowly just a glimpse to analyze the situation I'm about to go in. I step back, cautious every of my move not to alert this fucking morons.

"Put all your jewelries,money and everything that are expensive" I heard crying and shouting


"Please not this. My grandma gave this to me" the woman sitting near me said.

Looking around to find a weapon to use. Aha! I found a fire extinguisher. Kicking the door wide open.

There were about 8 men, all wearing cheap and dull black suits. Come on now, this is your average and cliche thugs you see in a movie. All pointing guns to the rich people trying to rob them.

I pull the pin. And fire the extinguisher to the wanna-be-mafia men. White gas poured out from the hose .

I smack the extiguisher to the two men who are holding the bag full of expensive shit and the other one was about to pull the gun when elbowed his head and kick the other that was about to attack me. I used his body as a shield when a new one is gunning me down. Their body drop to the floor. 3 down. 5 to go.

I was so hyped up that I didn't noticed a man judt punched me in the face. That hurt as hell! This was gonna bruised.

Then all went shit. More men guys were now coming out me.

The shooting began. Punched were thrown. The hostages were crying and there were hysterical shouting hysterical.

"Everyone duck!" On cue, they duck  their heads.

Abandoning the extinguisher and reaching for gun on the floor. I shoot the man near to me to his knee and the man behind him to his head as he bend down from the pain he felt from his knees.

4 DOWN . 4 TO GO. Shooting him in the head. I used his body as a shield from bullets that are raining on me.

Rule 1: Count your bullets. Never waste bullets. Bullets is your only refuge.

I drop down and went to nearest chair to reload. Beside me is a old couple and a 7 year old kid.
Then I remember my little bro, Xavier. The kid is shaking and clutching his shirt near his heart. I think he's about to have an asthma attack.


We were playing dodgeball with our neighbour.

Xavier went to the side and sat in the gutter. Inhaling and exhaling. I went to sat down beside him. Rubbing his back.

"Hey! Just keep doing that and close your eyes and count to 100. When your finish, open your eyes and breath slowly. Wait for your lungs to back up"

*End of flashback"

Looking around me for something "Hey kid, look at me!" I said coldly. Both the couple look towards me and I handed the plastic bag to the kid.

"Listen, I dont know if this works for you. But when things get scary, close your eyes and count to 100 backwards". The kid nodded

I stood once again and continue my little adventure.....
My peach v-neck shirt is now crimson red from the shitstorm I was in. Watching the dead bodies laying around. I was breathing hard. The hostages are assisting and taking care of each other. Some are asking if anyone was hurt. Others were just calm as fuck and well, the others are shaken from the events.

I was about to sit down. When a door openend and a man wearing a uniform and a hat telling us this is the captain.

"Did you all get the work don--" His eyes roam around and his eyes landed on me.

He was about to grab his gun on his back, when...


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