Not so Fresh Start(Part 2)

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He was about to grab his gun hidden at his back when I shot him first to his right shoulder. He shouted at me and drops his gun while clutching his wounded shoulder. The blood started to stain his pristine white shirt

I knelt beside him so we're now eye level. "Where is he?" I said calmly staring at his eyes. "I don't know" He hissed "Fine. I'll just find another way to find that filthy man "I said while aiming my gun and shooting him to his other shoulder.

He shouted string of curses at me. Yeah, like that gonna work. Turning his body around to look for his wallet. There are useless cards and shit inside but I stumble upon a sonogram and a picture. No, two pictures actually. Looking at the family picture and a woman that is not definitely his wife.

"You know you have a lovely wife and kids, Captain.." Trailing off waiting for him to continue and supply his name.

"C-Caaptain Smith"

"And a baby on the way apparently. Won't it be sad if I tell your wife what the hell you're doing when you're up in the air? Or won't it be exciting if I let you attend a funeral every weekend. Hmm?" I said calmly

He look at me for a second. Clearly weighing his options.

"OKAY!! He's at that door. At the bed cabin. Its sound proof and code activated" He said pointing to the door which is hidden behind a cabinet.

So this private jet plane is kinda big.

"What's the code?" I said motioning my gun to the door. "4---4719" He hesitate for a moment before he told me the code.

Walking towards the door. Punching the code and a beeping sound came. The door open and I pushed it slowly and holding my gun tightly.

I see his bald hair and round stomach laying their peacefully with his three whores. All of them naked.

I questioned myself. How can I man like him sleep peacefully after all the doings he have done to all the innocent teenagers he drugged and kidnapped and sold them to human slavery and prostitution.

The girl near the bed lamp stirred and opening her eyes widely when she noticed me. I put my finger to my mouth gesture her to be quiet and go out.

Aiming my gun. It's not really my gun I just get it from his dead goons. My real gun is in New York in my condo. Putting the cold hard metal to his bald head.

"Hello there, you made a very bad mistake, mister" I didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

His blood splattered around him making the white sheets into crimson red. The loud sound pop coming from the gun made the other whores wake up from their slumber. And shouted hysterically.

Rolling my eyes I shouted "SHUT.UP. Get over it" Their annoyingly high-pitched voices making my ear drum bleed.

I heard voices pleading someone to release the kid. I hurriedly run towards the voice and open the door.

The captain holding the kid, the one with the asthma, pointing a gun to the kid's head. "Stop! I know who you are!" When he noticed me.

Looking around the people watching us "She won't hesitate to kill me. I don't have a use anymore so better yet, I take any chances I got"

"I know who you are! A experiment made to kill hundreds of people"

"A killing machine doing whatever your superiors command you to do. I know because I was there" He said spitting the words while snot were coming out from his nose.

"You never left any loose ends" Looking at the hostages. His eyes look crazed, maybe from the adrenaline or knowing he fucked up real good.

"Put the gun down" I said. He snaps his head to me and point the gun to me.

"I.SAID.PUT.THE DAMN.GUN.DOWN"I said calmly while staring to his eyes.

"And follow me to the cockpit. We need to land them to their destination. Which is New York, right?" He hesitated.

"I can fly this plane with or without you but I' trying to stop my body count. Either you drop it or you'll be joining them" Gesturing to the dead bodies  scattered around. He look to companion then to me before his dropping the gun. Watching me carefully and he went to the cockpit.

"Since I save all your fucking asses. Don't tell the authorities that I save you all ,even a little information about me. Like the color of my hair and what my face looks like"I said staring at them intently.

"Because if you do, I'm gonna find you and kill your family" Smiling at them.

"Am I understood?" No one answer

"I.SAID.AM.I.UNDERSTOOD?"I repeated slowly. They nod all their heads. I grab the bag full of money from the goons they stole, and followed the pilot.

I saw Captain Smith already operating the plane to autopilot. I drop down the sit beside him.

"Why?" He said while operating the plane.

"Why what?"I said staring ahead; watching the clouds pass by.

"Why didn't you kill me?" He asked.

"Why not? Did I make a mistake, captain?" I asked.

"No-oo" Shaking his head

I look at his disheveled look. I look away and sigh deeply "Because your wife and kids need you. I know they are much better with out you but they'll be sad. And because they deserve a life much better than this" I said.

"I'm not God or whoever is up there. But remember, this is your second chance of life. Don't waste it" I advised.

"Here- donate this to the homeless and orphanage near you. Enroll some kids to a school or provide learning instruments. Give them the their daily needs and etc." Handing him the bag full of money.

"I wont kill you as long as you don't do shady business like this" I said and when back to staring the clouds. "Lets go and fly this plane. I'll be your co-pilot"

"Th- thanks" He said grabbing the bag from me. I nod

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