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Ruby entered the ball room with grace and poise, not expecting so many people to turn around and stare in disbelief. Her dress flew behind her like a cape as she strode across the floor; a graceful bird diving through the endless skies. Many bachelors were to ask her to dance that night. They made their way through the crowd and into her path although her power and beauty frightened them all out of speaking to her. All except the Duke. Simon, otherwise known as the Duke of Hastings had been canoodling with Daphne Bridgerton the past few weeks. Many thought that they would marry, but as he made his way towards Ruby who clearly did not stop for no one, determined expressions formed across his face and he stopped right in the middle of her path, giving Ruby no choice but to pause and look up. The guests around the room didn't drop their gaze for even a second as the Duke approached Ruby head on.

"May I have the honour of being your first dance, my Lady?" The duke asked with much confidence. Maybe too much confidence, as Ruby giggled, point blank, into her long white glove that matched her flowing light blue dress that was dotted with sweet colourful flowers.
Ruby shook her head and gazed at Daphne Bridgerton, who was clearly unimpressed by the Duke's efforts. Ruby didn't say anything—she didn't need to—as he quickly moved from her path allowing her to carry on. The crowd stood silently for a slight second, really, not knowing what to say. Did Ruby really just reject a Duke? After a while, the drama had gotten boring and the people amongst the ballroom chatted comfortably again. Everyone but one continued to chat again, which was mainly because she had no one to chat to, and which is why Ruby made her way across the ballroom to her.
Eloise Bridgerton, Daphne's sister, didn't drop her gaze from Ruby for a second. She looked almost stunned; shocked to see such a girl look her way. Ruby didn't very often look people in the eye. She viewed it as something two friends should do, or family, or most importantly a lover. Making eye contact was a passionate act, and Ruby made it almost never. But in this very moment, her eyes strung upon Eloise, locking deeply in place across her sweet crystal eyes. Blue but lighter, almost turning white but still the most beautiful shade of blue. Ruby hated to admit it, but Eloise was truly gorgeous.

As always, the Bridgerton sister stood among the snack bar, not to eat, but to stay away from people who'd want to speak with her. She hated how men would try to flirt, and didn't envy her sister who seemed to be getting all the gentlemen this season. She resented the time that she'd have to suck up to all these bachelors and act like a lady. Eloise was a girl with many opinions, she liked to be stubborn and independent. But in this moment her guard was completely smashed to pieces, it disappeared all together when she saw Ruby stride across the ballroom. Right in her direction, both locking eyes.
Ruby had the eyes of pure emerald and they somewhat shone in the light across the room. Eloise stared deeper; she had decided that Ruby had eyes brighter than any jewel in the room that the ladies wore to impress the men with their bling.

As Ruby finally reached the table that held the beverages of the ball, Eloise let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.

"Well isn't this ball underwhelming," Ruby stated as she threw an untouched shot of god knows what alcohol down her throat.

Eloise didn't speak. She knew not what to say.
After all her years of stubborn attitudes and uncooperative behavior she for once didn't know what to say.

Ruby didn't seem to mind; it was as if she were speaking to herself anyway. Eloise began to get a grip of herself. Why was she being so ridiculous? Surely a silly girl wouldn't be the person to take her breath away!
Though, Eloise was secretly glad it hadn't been a man. She hated those.

Ruby placed both her glove encased hands behind her to lean on the beverage table, and stared at the ball unfolding in front of her eyes. She watched dancing and chattering of women and men of all kinds. Then she clearly began to get bored and rolled her eyes, slowly turning her head to look at Eloise whose eyes hadn't redirected from Ruby.

"Well you don't have to stand there and stare," Ruby said with no expression of sarcasm, nor seriousness either.

Eloise only said what she was thinking. Better to be truthful that dishonest. "Well I have to confess; this party is much more boring than you seem to be."
Eloise's boldness only startled herself.

"I'm flattered, Lady Bridgerton," Ruby smirked. She began to make her way across to Eloise but the host of the ball clinked her glass with a fancy spoon and began to speak to the curious crowd.

Ruby had paid no attention to who the host was, but soon noticed that it was the Queen and her nephew, Prince Friederich—who stood silently to the side of her.
"You must make your last dance count, choose your partner wisely," the Queen began, "soon enough we shall have weddings to attend."

Ruby slyly rolled her eyes and shook her head with a pitying laugh, utterly amused. The whole 'marriage' idea completely baffled her. Why did one have to marry to prove their value and class?
Without hesitation, young people and old began to pick their partners and make their way to the ballroom floor.
Ruby had a devilish idea.

The young Lady made her way to Eloise who hadn't moved a muscle after the Queen's announcement, clearly proving her thoughts on marriage where too it was a ridiculous idea, and that she didn't plan on dancing with a bachelor anytime soon. Ruby bowed over-dramatically, as to make a joke out of the whole situation, and held out a hand towards Eloise who looked utterly confused at the gesture.
"And what is this?" The Bridgerton asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Lady Bridgerton. You shall be my 'last' dance. And, I guess, my 'first' dance too."


Ruby chuckled slightly, drawing a small amount of attention their way. "You must be my partner on the dance floor, my Lady."

Eloise took all of this as a complete and utter joke, and as much as she admired Ruby and her independent confidence, the dance would be...
"Don't be silly," Eloise growled, bringing back her long lost stubborn attitude that had vanished in the presence of the stunning girl.

Ruby showed only more sarcasm and quickly placed her hand over her mouth, mocking a shocked expression. "But my Lady! You cannot disagree that this is the most amazing idea in the world!"

Eloise's heart fluttered a little. Ruby was such a different person to anyone else she'd ever met. It was refreshing to meet someone who took everything as a big joke. Ruby was someone who knew how to make the most boring event a fun game. That; Eloise admired. But she also knew the consequences her mother and older brother would put her through; the lectures she'd get.

"I'm afraid I must turn down your kind offer."
Eloise said no more, she could not. Her mother strode towards the two looking suspiciously irritated.

"Eloise Bridgerton! You promised me that you would dance with a bachelor tonight," Violet Bridgerton whispered loudly as she swiftly made her way closer to her daughter.

The two girls didn't know what to say, for once Ruby was speechless. How desperate was society for young girls to be married? Before Eloise could apologise for her mother's behaviour, Ruby had began to stride across the room as she had once done coming in, and disappear around the curtained corner into the unknown.

"Mother! You did not have to embarrass me in front of that girl!" Eloise also angrily whispered, furious but not wanting to draw attention to herself.

Apparently her mother had the exact same idea, because she then whispered, "It would be the most inconvenient to cause a scene. Find a handsome man to dance with Eloise, you shall be the highlight of the next season and a head start would be wonderful."

Her mother, flustered and red, began to click towards the exit, clearly needing some air and water. Eloise then stood alone again, just as the night had began. She found herself thinking about how lovely the dance would have felt with Ruby. Two women striding across the ballroom, not a care in the world who was watching. And then at the end the rain would pour through the small open ceiling, while the rest of the guests run to take shelter, Ruby and Eloise still in the rain.
Staring. Watching.
Pouring wet rain covering their faces with moisture. And in the end face to face, the two girls staring into each other's eyes. Blue and green. Emerald Oceans.
Not caring who is looking, or the opinions of others around them. Only they would matter.
And in that moment, refreshed with rain; They would ki-
You may not think up such an act!
The young girl began to leave her dangerous thoughts behind. Ones that came out of nowhere, out of nothing. And she, as Ruby did then, walked through the crowd of forever dancing people, and exited the ballroom.

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