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Eloise couldn't think of any other time she was this happy. It was such a complex feeling that was so simply achieved just by being with somebody else, with Ruby.
Happiness was always so far away, like a distant bird gliding the skies but so incredibly far and out of reach. Somehow Eloise had been the one to reach the bird. She had tugged it right out of the sky and taken it for herself. Ruby was indescribably beautiful, and Eloise couldn't imagine anyone more amazing in her life. Not only was her beauty charming but her soul too. Her soul, passion and spirit were arguably the best parts about her. Eloise couldn't be luckier to have met someone so dazzling.

She could stand there all day, watching Ruby's captivating dancing skills as she led a faceless suitor around the dance floor. Eloise wanted to brag to the whole world, to shout from rooftops that that was her girl. Her beautiful girl that danced, here, in front of her, on the dance floor, and who she had just kissed only ten minutes ago in a nearby closet.
It was almost like she was dreaming, but Eloise knew this was real.

What she also knew, was that this wouldn't last forever. She had to make the most of this perfect night.


Patrick and Benedict had left the ball early to attend an artist's get together party somewhere through the streets of London.
It wasn't but an hour since they were discussing art for the first time, and now suddenly they had appeared at a common art celebration downtown.

"This one is just magnificent," Patrick awed at a huge painting of a dark battlefield scattered with dead bodies, swords and red and brown paint to accompany the landscape. The sky was painted with grey foggy colours and the people in the centre, fighting, looked sorrowful.

Listening to Patrick comment on each painting they saw made Benedict smirk. He always thought the more joyful paintings were the best, but after hearing Patrick's opinions he wasn't so sure. As they quietly observed each displayed painting, Benedict glanced at Patrick and watched his eyes light up at the art before him. He folded his arms over his chest as he walked; you could notice all of his thoughts just by looking at his exaggerated facial expressions and his open body language that seemed to shift with every thought.

The two approached a painting that was particularly stunning, of a bride and groom standing face to face dressed in formal wedding attire. They were clearly about to be married, and seemed highly pleased about it.

"This is quite...ordinary," Patrick stated.

Benedict frowned in confusion and slight amusement. "How so?"

"Well, it is not at all imaginative. A man, a woman, marriage. It is just simply...boring."
A silence cast over the two as they stared at the painting.

Benedict sighed. "Perhaps so. But I personally think it is beautiful."

Patrick turned towards his friend in such a hurry that Benedict felt a gust of air brush his face, followed by a scent of flowery beer. Patrick's facial expression was somewhat unamused. "If you take inspiration from this ugly excuse for art then I shall never enjoy yours," he stated.

Benedict was shocked at Patrick's forward and clear anger. "Why do you dislike this painting so deeply? Do you have something against marriage?" Benedict questioned.

There was a sudden dullness that cast over Patrick's face, but he carried on justifying his point. "A painting like this is so common and regularly displayed that I have simply gotten bored of seeing it. And to paint marriage only puts emphasis on the fact that you are ordinary."

"How so?" Benedict questioned. He enjoyed listening to Patrick's passionate talk of art, even if he disagreed with him on his thoughts. There was something extraordinary about varied opinions.

"Well, Benedict. While I do agree that art is beautiful, it can often become too frequent and familiar. I quite enjoy newness. Art that is inconsistant makes people stunned, astounded. Unique art makes people question their likes, their dislikes, the people around them and their unexplored opinions. Unfamiliarity, in my opinion, creates change and difference. And this painting, of an expected marriage ceremony is actually the most common thing I have seen all day."

Benedict smiled simply. "What is your grudge against common marriage?"

Patrick smirked wildly and shook his head, taking a breath and looking at the floor. "Common marriage." He chuckled. "Without revealing too much, I do not enjoy female company, and I am only searching for a bride to please my inpatient, needy mother who wishes for grandchildren and less house work."

Benedict chuckled. It was so refreshing to hear opinions so different to the world's, but so similar to his. Female company was truly so dull.

"I do agree that female company is short lived and boring, but marriage however, is certainly beautiful," Benedict smirked as he glanced at Patrick and then back towards their painting.
"I should also mention that you might enjoy my art very much. It is certainly not common."


Ruby's mother had somehow convinced her to dance with multiple suitors that night, it was as if she had given into her mother's constant pressure to flaunt among the dance floor with useless men. Eloise watched longingly from across the dance floor wishing so deeply that she could dance with Ruby again someday. It was completely forbidden after the last scandalous event at the previous ball, but Eloise was determined to hold Ruby in her arms again and cradle her across the dance floor like nobody else was watching.

A sudden hand came into contact with Eloise's shoulder forcing her heart to skip a beat. Then relief flushed through her as she realised it was only Daphne standing by her side with a empathetic smile across her face.

"Sister. You are staring at Ruby's suitor awfully deeply. Everyone will believe you want to marry him," Daphne commented as she watched her sister's eyes scan the dance floor, then her. Daphne's tone was caring, considerate. She never wanted to hurt her little sister, only look out for her.

Eloise sighed. "I can assure you that is the last thing I want."

"Why do you seem so sad, Eloise? Did something happen?"

There was a pause that seemed to soak all of the surrounding sound from Eloise's ears leaving her alone inside her head to question everything. Did she have the courage to tell Daphne the truth? Would her sister even accept the truth? There was so much to consider and even though the moment felt right, there was still so little time. Daphne would be so disappointed; the perfect season diamond, who would most certainly marry a man and a man for love. Eloise's breath caught in her chest as she thought deeper about what she would even say.
I don't want to marry, no!
My heart doesn't belong to a man, no!
I am not looking at him I am looking at her, no!
I am in love with Ruby, no!

"Eloise?" Daphne uttered.

Snapping out of a trance, Eloise glanced into her sister's eyes, terrified of her thoughts and all that Daphne might think if she heard the truth.
"I'm splendid, Daphne."

Daphne wasn't sure if this was the truth but she nodded and familiarly stared at the floor. "If there is anything you need, just let me know. I promise I will do all I can to help you Eloise. I love you, you are my sister. That means we can always trust each other."

Eloise smiled weakly. "Thank you. You will never know how greatly I appreciate you."

Daphne grinned and wrapped her arm around Eloise's shoulders, squeezing her gently while they both observed Ruby and her unknown suitor.
Perhaps Daphne would one day realise how much Eloise loved Ruby, and maybe one day she'd be brave enough to tell her the real truth.

Perhaps Daphne already knew...

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