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A sign on top of a market stall caught Ruby's attention as she swiftly yet casually made her way through the bustling event, green dress whipping the sides of her bare legs with each step.

The sign titled a tiny market tent with shiny crystal decorations covering the outside. The decor looked to be handmade, dangling down from the tops of the tent, highlighting the entrance to the mysterious room.

Eloise had fortunately agreed to dance with Ruby on Saturday—although the decision was mainly made as a result of Ruby's magnificent persuasion skills.
Ruby had still wanted to explore the market and planned on purchasing a lovely gift to give to Eloise at the party; a way of asking for friendship.

The particular area that Ruby had discovered was a jewellery market: the section where homemade jewellery was sold inside adorable tented stalls. There were bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings and hair jewels to browse through; Ruby wanted to find the perfect item to gift Eloise, wanted it to be just right.

The sign on one particular stall read 'Crystal Jewellery,' intriguing and persuading Ruby to enter. She quite simply adored crystal accessories, especially ones that people had crafted themselves at home.
A tinkling sound interrupted the quiet breeze as Ruby pushed through the entrance, wandering in. Before she could even begin to browse, an old woman—maybe around the age of 65 or older—started to chatter, welcoming Ruby into her lovely crystal stall.

"Afternoon my darling, what are you looking to purchase today?"
The lady wore jewels and crystals of all sorts. Earrings, bracelets, necklaces, the whole lot. She didn't look half bad in them either; it was a difficult look pulled off well.

"I should like to buy a gift," Ruby replied with a smile, focusing on the old woman's complex and detailed face. She was wrinkled but still somehow looked fresh, like a one thousand year old tree that still thrived with green luscious leaves every season.
A miracle. And it was a beautiful one.

"Someone special?" The woman asked with a kind expression.

"A friend."

Sunshine radiated through the tent's entrance, bouncing rainbow specks from the reflective crystals hung on handmade jewellery stands. The room was tinged with a red velvet glow as the light shone through the thin coloured walls at every direction. Ruby felt at peace inside the tent, it was almost like a whole other world made of only crystals and gems.

"So, what jewellery does your friend like?" The old woman inquired as she took some crystal stock from underneath her counter and placed it onto the table with care. There wasn't much room left to set out anymore jewellery, as the number of tables were limited and definitely not sizeable.

Ruby was slightly stunned by the question. It made her realise how little she knew about Eloise.
Although she knew not much, it did not dishearten her, it excited her. She had much to learn about the Bridgerton, and that was something to look forward to. "I'm afraid I don't know at all what my friend likes."

The market seller grinned.
"How splendid! This means you can choose anything you'd like!"
Her old voice was slightly croaky, yet—just like her appearance—fresh, sweet and wise.

Ruby made her way to the display and stared at a sapphire crystal necklace that hung from a stand, swinging slightly in the breeze that made its way through the tent. She then turned her head towards a small bracelet that suddenly caught her attention. The woman observed Ruby: watched her. She knew the young girl was interested when her eyes sparkled at a tiny emerald bracelet hanging beautifully in the light.

"This one is quite wonderful," Ruby acknowledged.

"Do you believe your friend will like this?"

Ruby wondered. Eloise would surely appreciate how beautiful the emerald gem looked.
"I'm certain she will."

"Then perhaps you should like to buy it." The old woman carefully picked the bracelet up and placed it in the centre of brown tinted paper. "You would like me to wrap it?"

Ruby nodded, deep in thought. Would Eloise really like the gift? Is it too much?
Why am I even buying this? She wondered.

While the old lady wrapped the gift, she asked, "is this lovely gift for your friend's birthday?"

Ruby smiled and shook her head. "No no, it is just a gift."

"Who is this friend of yours?"

"Does one around here recognise a Bridgerton?"

The old woman smiled. "One does."

Ruby began to slowly prance around the small tent, exploring and looking up towards the red light. "Well then, she is a Bridgerton. Eloise Bridgerton."

"The sister of Daphne Bridgerton," the old woman stated.


"And why is a girl like you purchasing a gift for a Bridgerton?"

That was it. A girl like me, Ruby thought. That same line Eloise had spoken in the suite; the one Ruby had repeated just to irritate Eloise in the storage room.
"A girl like me?" Ruby asked, frowning slightly.

"Your bracelet is wrapped, here. That will be £4."

Ruby handed over the four small coins and thanked the woman.
A girl like me.
It would never leave her mind.


Thursday evening was lonely. Ruby's mother was already asleep yet the young girl still sat in the empty room, staring at the bracelet and wondering how she would give it to Eloise. What would she say? When would be the right time to gift it to her?

Ruby's heart rate began to quicken as she thought about having to wait through the whole of tomorrow until she could dance with Eloise at Saturday's party.
It was almost painful how the desperation grasped her thoughts that night.

Eloise hardly thought any different; she just couldn't imagine waiting a whole day for their dance. A dance that shouldn't even be happening.

As Ruby's candle began to burn out, she lent her head back deeply onto the soft chair, slowly feeling her eyes grow heavier until sleep swept her up like a peaceful and endless abyss.

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