5: 🎶I'm leaving on a jet plane🎶

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I open my eyes to see that I'm on the beach. My mum lying out on a towel, my brothers kicking a football, and my dad manning the barbecue. "Wakey wakey you" dad jokes with that amazing smile on his face. "Rob, when will the burgers be ready" my mum says face down on the towel completely unbothered by the preparations for lunch. "Nearly there dear, just a few minutes".

I look over at my brother and laugh as he is running around with the dog for the football. "Right this is ready, help me serve" dad shouts. As they approach I notice his tattoo, a design he only got last month. In fact dad looks older as well... so does mum. My brother passed me a burger with a smile and I take the plate, looking back at him smiling with a hint of confusion as I eye his tattoo. I think I'm dreaming. I let out a disappointed laugh and take a look around the beach.

I never remember the sun being so hot here, it's almost tropical. The waves are even taller now with surfers barrelling through them. The water is just a little bit bluer, glimmering and sparkling in the sunlight. "This isn't really happening" I said absent minded as I took a fistful of sand letting it run and flow off my hand in the breeze.

Everyone looked at me as if withholding a secret. My dad crouched down in-front of me and I reached out to his face. "You couldn't be here right now if this was actually happening" I whispered as I trailed the stubble on his face with my finger, completely entranced with his presence. He smiled back at me with his hands on my knees, "No. I suppose it's not really happening... But who's to say it's not real?"
I let out a small tear and took a shakey breath to which he promptly wiped it away with his thumb. "C'mon you, you're never so sad" he said as his round caring eyes saw right through me in that moment. "Let's have a nice afternoon together ok? This is as real as you want it to be clo. Stay a little while longer?" I smiled widely and nodded my head vigorously wiping the rest of my tears. The sun kissing my skin and the sound of seagulls patrolling the crystal sky immersing my senses in pure bliss. I could stay here forever. But dreams can't last forever, you always have to wake up.


I open my eyes this time to a dark road, I think it's a road. I'm in a car, I can feel the vibrations of the engine, the seatbelt tightly around me, a coat draped over my exposed body as I feel goosebumps form on my legs.
A pain in my neck, the smell of a strange chemical, the breeze from the back door. What happened?
In a split second the images of a tall dark man in-front of me, holding me, whispering to me and causing me to collapse into him as everything goes dark, shocks me fully awake. I gasp as I take in my surroundings. The car, the seatbelt, the radio crackling in the background. I turn my head to see the same man I saw earlier, he turns his head to look at me with the same piercing eyes as before "you're awake, now I need you to stay calm".
I did not in fact stay calm. I let out a whimper and dived for the door handle but it was locked, I couldn't even undo the seatbelt as it also had a special lock on it. I feel his hand take my wrist as the car comes to an abrupt halt. "Hey hey stop, STOP" he bellowed as he pulled and gripped my wrist even harder. I tucked my knees up to my chest and laid my head against the window trying to get as far away from him as possible, I had no idea what he had in mind. Is this when the psychopath rapes and kills you, disposing of your body in a rural wooded area? My breathing was rapid as tears rolled down my cheeks as my eyes were squeezed tightly shut.

"You are going to behave, you hear me? We are 2 minutes away and you are going to sit there and not move an inch unless I tell you otherwise. If you just listen to me, everything will be fine, but if you ignore me, you are going to get hurt. Do you understand me? Look at me" he grabs my hair and pulls me around to look at him. I stare at him with horror and fear not knowing whether or not I can speak or ask questions. I nod my head and he loosens his grip on my hair as he strokes my cheek with his thumb and let's me go. He starts driving again and I curl up against the car door concealing my crying.

Eventually we reach a very dark road with strange lampposts. My vision is still relatively obscured from whatever he did to me earlier in the house. I wanted to ask but I didn't want to risk it. The car stops and he opens his door and steps out. I look over the drivers side and see a small plane resting beside us. This is a runway. I immediately panic and start crying and begging him to let me out. I'm pulling at the seatbelt to no avail, exhausting myself even further. My door swings open and the seatbelt released as he stands in front of me, a hand resting on my thigh and the other on the door frame. "You are going to step calmly out of this car and board that plane without a sound, without an ounce of hesitation." The threat in his eyes was enough to make you cry on demand.

I don't usually cry or feel scared but the way he looked at me was as if he was telling me 'this is it, you belong to me now. You dare step out of line then you are in for a painful experience' I had no idea what he was fully capable of, why I was here, what was happening but I didn't want to test boundaries again. I simply nodded at him and he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me out of the car setting me beside him as he leaned in the car for his jacket.

The moment his head turned I ran. I don't know why I did, my fight or flight kicked in and my body involuntarily started sprinting. I was gasping for air, trying to stretch my legs as far as they could go. And within seconds a rough hand grabs hold of my hair, pulling me back and slamming me to the ground. The force of falling back on the ground had my head spinning, I couldn't see straight as I whimpered on the floor cupping my head.

He came into view and pinned me down on the ground, one leg either side of me, pinning my arms down by my wrists either side of my head. "WHAT DID I SAY." He gave me a backhanded slap across the face with all the force he could muster. I lay with my head to the side groaning in pure agony as blood trickles from my cheek bone. He was breathing heavily for a minute glaring at me as if deciding how to kill me. "No more games. That is the final stunt you pull. Next time you do something like that I'm going to beat you so hard that you wont be able to walk for weeks." And to that he got up off of me, leant down and grabbed my waist pulling me up to stand. A man came out of the plane and walked over to us, they exchanged things and the man then made his way to the car.

I pulled back slightly "where are we going, why do we need a plane I don't understand why I'm here please tell me at least what's going on then I might understand better."
I begged and my eyes were wide looking into his eyes waiting for an answer. No answer came, he grabbed the back of my head and slammed it against the front of the car causing me to collapse into him. The pain was really radiating through my head now. A piercing sharpness spreading from the back of my head. He lifted my limp body up and carried me through the plane setting me down in a soft sofa like chair.
I could feel cold metal calming around my wrist to which I noticed handcuffs attaching me to this seat.

Moments later I feel a hand on my neck again. Unable to hold my head up from pure exhaustion and trauma to my head I receive another sharp pain to my neck. Another needle. I shoot my eyes open to meet his own. I whimper at the feel of the sharpness in my neck. He looks on at me a little less annoyed. "Once we are home it's all going to be better" where is home? Why do we need a plane to get there? So many questions flooding my brain. To my surprise, as he gets up he lays a gentle kiss on my forehead, lingering in the moment for a few seconds, before laying my head down as I drift off into yet another sleep, not knowing where I will be waking up. Did anyone hear me earlier? Will a neighbour have seen me? What happens after this...

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