Chapter 50 - A Godly Sacrifice

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"Nat, you and Clint lead point. Steve and I will take the rear and make sure we're not followed. Phil, I want you with Y/n -"

"She will not leave my side," Loki interrupts, his hand still around your waist, keeping you steady as you fight to keep your head out of the haze that pounds and knocks against your temples. Whatever you had been injected with is still fighting to pull you under.

"Fine," says Tony, "But I still want Phil by her at all times. He's been through these compounds before - he knows the layout."

"Is that...a good idea?" Steve says hesitantly, casting an awkward glance between Phil and Loki.

"Sure, why not?" Tony smirks. "I doubt Bundy Junior here will try to off him again," Tony says, nodding toward Phil. Phil just shrugs, but Loki glares at Tony, letting out a low, guttural growl. But Tony isn't phased, and snaps back in to mission mode. "We stick together, got it?" he orders.

Everyone nods, and you try to stay awake as you lean on Loki, but your legs start to give out. Loki notices your weight begin to shift, and he sweeps you off your feet. 

"All right, let's go," says Tony.

Natasha and Clint breach the door leading out to the corridor, and clear the hallway. Loki follows with Phil at your side. Your vision swims as the team runs down the hall, your head bobbing with the motion of Loki's chest, but you continue to fight to stay awake.

"Hold on, love. We're almost there," Loki whispers to you, softly.

You let out a weak whimper, and allow your head to fall, completely resting on his chest.

Your team makes it through the buildings, taking out the occasional HYDRA agent. It isn't until you're only a few corridors away from the exit that the power completely cuts out to the building. Illuminated by only in the faintest of red lights, you and the entire team are now trapped in an incredibly long hallway, as two teams of HYDRA agents flood the corridors at both ends. Natasha, Clint, and Phil face the northern doorway, ready to take on the 10 or so HYDRA agents that begin approaching while Tony and Steve face the southern door behind you. A similar swarm, weapons drawn, slowly makes their way towards you, squeezing you and the team out.

Loki holds you tightly, caught in the very middle.

"Well this isn't ideal," Tony whispers into his comm.

"What's the plan here, Tony?" Steve says quietly, nervously.

"Well, we could-," Loki starts.

"Shut it, Lover Boy. I really don't like it when you have plans," Tony says. "We gotta end this. Listen up Avengers, when I say down, get down."

You all remain still as the HYDRA agents approach, shouting demands. As they grow closer, your pulse quickens. 

", please...," you whine faintly, gripping Loki's shirt with as much strength as you can muster.

"Shhh, darling. Everything will be alright," Loki hums back, but you can hear the concern in his voice.

Several tense seconds pass as the footfalls of the HYDRA agents grow closer and closer until suddenly, you hear a quiet whisper in your ear.


In a flash, your entire team drops to the ground. Loki pins you to the floor, covering you with his entire body, keeping his face above yours and staring into your eyes. He places a reassuring hand on your face, keeping your gaze on him. You can't see what's happening, but there are several bright flashes of light, and several agonized screams.

Then silence.

"Everyone okay?" you Tony finally calls out, as Loki rises, pulling you back up and taking you once more into his arms. "Hawk? Cap? Nat?"

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