Chapter 1

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    Snow fell from the grey stratus clouds in fat, fluffy flakes. Rory shivered as she made her way through the square as she stuffed her phone into the pocket of her pink, winter coat. Lorelai had promised they would meet up for lunch at Luke's once she could get away from the Dragonfly and Rory's coffee date with Lane was over.

    Cars passed slowly, the drivers in no real hurry to get anywhere. It was a welcome change of pace from the chaotic atmosphere of the campaigne trail Rory had been lucky enough to get a break from. She loved the excitement of always being in the middle of the action and following Senetor Obama across the country as her and the other reporters documented his journey to Presidency (hopefully), but sometimes it felt overwhelming. She had been in a desperate need of a breather.

    A group of high schoolers passed Rory as they made their way home from school, the girls skimming the pages of a magazine. Rory smiled in spite of herself, images of her high school career coming in flashes across her memory. Movie marathons with her mom, talking about boys with Lane, breakfast at Luke's and Friday night dinners with her grandparents. How long ago it seemed that she was wearing that itchy blue Chilton uniform and competing with Paris for practically everything; or so it felt like some days.

    Rory stopped once she reached the front entrance to Weston's. She peered into the frost covered windows, spotting Lane seated at a table in the middle of the little bakery. Lane glanced up as soon as the bell over the door chimed. Rory immediately noticed Lane was wearing her hair a tad shorter than the last time they'd seen each other several months back. The new haircut suited her, making her appear more mature.

    She sucked in a huge breath, allowing herself to be enveloped in the familiar smell of coffee, baked goods and hot chocolate. Rory had been to many a coffee shop on the campaigne trail; had even been the one sent to retreive coffee for everyone most days with another girl named Jane. It was customary for new reporters to handle the intern type jobs. She didn't mind, however. Coffee had been a major part of her morning routine for as long as she could remember. But, those coffee shops still never seemed to live up to the ones in Stars Hollow. She asumed it was just the taste of home, which no coffee shop in Washington DC or whereever could ever manage to recreate.

    "Rory!" Lane shouted, standing up to wrap her oldest friend in a hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever."

    Rory squeezed the shorter girl in her arms, noting the slight scent of baby powder that Lane's purfume just couldn't seem to compeltely cover up. "I know," Rory said, taking her seat and sipping the cup of coffee Lane must have ordered right before she arrived. "How's Zack and the twins?"

    "Well, Zack's playing a gig in New York next week after the band's show in Rhode Island ends. So, I'm supposed to visit him after the Thanksgiving concert since my mom agreed to watch Steve and Kwan for me." Lane smiled and shook her head like she still couldn't believe what she was saying.

    So much had changed between them in the last year or so. Marriage. Twins. Dream jobs. For a moment Rory wondered where she would be right now if she had actually said yes to Logan Huntzberger's proposal. She still didn't regret her decision, but she found herself missing him as she sat on the bus on long drives, staring at his name in her phone. It was insane how you could go from talking to someone everyday, to not speaking at all. It may very well be the worst feeling in the world, she had decided.

    "So how's the reporting job going? You have to tell me everything."

    Rory told her best friend about how exhausting life had been on the road, spending long hours on a bus with the exact same people day in and day out. She told her about some of the crazy things that happened while they were staying in hotels when they were stopped for rallies. How three of the reporters who had been on the campaigne together for a while enjoyed playing pranks on each other. Like when Sandra and Brenna snuck into Garrett's room while he was showering and stole his clothes and he got stuck out in the hallway in nothing but a towel when he was chasing after them and had coinsidentally forgotten to grab his room key on the way out. She talked about how inspiring Senator Obama was, and how thrilling it was to cover such a brilliant man. And how much she desperately missed Lane and her mom and Stars Hollow.

    Lane talked about what Rory had missed while she had been away. How Steve and Kwan had started crawling. Lorelai and Luke were going strong, which Rory probably knew. How Kirk started a business for decorating and selling fish bowls, since his mom didn't think he was ready to get a real pet, but she'd consider it if he could keep the fish alive for a year. Surprisingly enough, it was quite a success until Luke stopped allowing him to hog one of his tables for hours on end. After that, business came to a hault when he realized it was too cold outside for fish to survive. Then he forced Luke to spend the rest of the day helping him track down a fish that looked exactly the same in hopes that his mom wouldn't notice. Taylor was still Taylor. And that Jess was supposed to be coming to town soon to celebrate his neice's first birthday.

    When they had finished chatting, Lane dug around in her purse, pulling out a little purple gift bag with sparkly, white, tissue paper. "This is for you," she said, sliding it across the table.

    "Oh, Lane. You didn't—"

    "Of course I did. Buying birthday gifts, no matter how late they are, is part of the deal." Rory smiled as she tore into the tissue paper and pulled out a black, velvet box. "I would've sent you something on your birthday, but you move around so much that I didn't know where you would be or for how long," Lane explained.

    Nestled inside was a beautiful silver locket with a tiny pink tourmaline gem, just like her birth stone, in the center of a paisley design. Rory gasped in awe at the necklace, running her fingers over the detailed metal work and opened the clasp. It was empty, but she marveled at the endless posibilities of what to put inside. A tiny love letter from some charming stranger during her travels across the country. A picture of her mom. A piece of confetti from the party they'll have when they celebrate the end of the campaigne trail.

    "I absolutely love it, Lane. Thank you. Where did you get it?" Rory asked. It was obviously very old.

    "I saw it in my mom's shop actually. Mrs. Dunfrey's distant relative passed away recently and she was planning on selling her stuff. She was like a great aunt or something. I can't remember. She didn't have any kids to give her stuff to and aparently wasn't very nice and Mrs. Dunfrey didn't want any of it, so there's going to be an estate sale in the sqaure tomorrow."

    "We should check it out," Rory said, clasping the necklace around her neck, and leaning over to wrap Lane in another hug.

    "I'm so glad you like it," Lane said, before the girls got into a discussion on what they thought the woman that owned the neckalce looked like and what kind of person she was.

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