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Screams echoed into the night, it was the perfect time to attack the small trading village as zombies would gladly use this chance to feast.

The bells rang as men clad in iron armor stormed the village, their eyes were a stone grey and their skin was just as sickly. They were pillagers. Their iron armor was old and close to ruin, though their blades were blunt they charged in. They lit wooden houses on fire and cut down anyone that tried to run or fight.

All for the sake of a blood bath.

Their leader rode on a great black stallion, his banner held out to warn anyone to get back or his army of pillagers would attack. The iron golem had fallen, it was just a matter of time until the Zombies and Pillagers destroyed them all.

A figure in a black cloak walked into the raging inferno, Zombies ran at the figure and with a single swipe of her sword they were dead.

She hated Pillagers, they attacked towns for no reason, killing and burning for the adrenaline rush. It inspired fear and their leader gained power from that fear, it was the essence of their attack and how do you get rid of fear?

You cut off it's head as fear is like a snake, kill it and there is nothing left.

The girl pulled her hood off revealing her face as she took off in a sprint. Her heart pounded, as her ears began to ring, she was thankful for that as it drowned out the screams.

Her pony tail blew in the wrath of the flames as sweat tricked down her brow, her silver eyes were golden in the fire.

She grinned as she found him, the chief pillager. She gripped her sword tighter as she charged at him.

He saw her and his heels kicked the horse's side, galloping full speed, drawing a sword as well and held it out to slice her head off.

Everything began to slow down as she dropped to her knees, her cheek stung but she dodged the cut that would've severed her head. She hit her target. The horse's legs. The horse cried in pain as it crashed to the ground. The girl quickly got up and ended the horse's suffering and then turned to the pillager. He charged with a roar and the girl dodged each slash of the blade until she could get a clean cut that took the pillagers head off.

Everyone except animals and mobs had three lives, behead someone with three lives and even if they have a second, they won't come back, this  included extremely severe wounds or losing a last life.

Horns echoed through the fire, the other pillagers were coming to avenge their leader. She drew a second sword and prepared herself in a battle stance. She breathed in and out as she adjusted the green scarf on her neck.

The scarfs value was worth more than any treasure or enchantment in the world. It was a promise, the person that gave it to her made her promise to comeback.

She was determined to keep that promise so a few pillagers weren't going to kill her that easily.

They charged  at her, the men with cross bows fired bolts at her. There were twelve, four on cross bows, two in axes and six had swords. They we're coming closer. She spun in a circle, her blade sliced through their throats and cut the charging six pillagers down.

She then ran at the remaining six, the two with axes ran out to her but she ducked their side slashes and slash their legs, bringing them to the ground. She then sliced the bolts that flew at her away.

She drew her bow and shot her enemies, aiming for their throats to make sure they didn't come back. She then turned and ended the ones on the ground. She leaned on her knees panting she was getting tired.

"Help! Somebody please! Help us!" The girl spun around, staring at a burning house that Zombie's were trying to bash the doors down. With three arrows the zombie's fell away. She strung her bow over he shoulder and ran for the door and kicked it open. A young girl, around 8 years old lay sobbing next to the body of her mother. She ran over and picked up the lady. She threw an arm around her shoulders as she hid the girl from the flames in her cloak.

She dragged the two out of the house and just in time to because a second later the roof caved in.

The little girl than began screaming for her mother to wake up. " shh, my name is Zia, I'm going to help." She said to reassure the kid who nodded, wiped away the tears and moved away.

Zia applied CPR and soon the lady woke up coughing and spluttering. The kid leaped into her mothers arm, "who ever you are, thank you." The woman said, Zia turned away from her and held her fingers up to her lips and whistled.

A grey mare raced through the flames and stood beside her master. Zia helped the woman and little girl onto the horse. She sat behind them and flicked the reins and galloped out of the village.

Once they were on a hill far away from the flames, Zia helped the girl and her Mom from the horse and sat them down under a tree. She gave them her flask of water which they drank happily. Zia then handed them each a golden apple, which they ate. "Thank you, I can never repay you for this." The woman said on the brink of tears.

"It's all right, I'm just happy some people got away, where will you go?" Zia asked, she had to be on her way, adventures call and what not.

"My brother lives in a village a few miles outside of Dream smp. Do you know where that is?" The woman said and Zia grinned.

"You could say I've heard of the place." She was from there, her journey began there and one day it will end there, not just yet though. "Which side of the smp?"


Zia handed them a bag of food and started a fire, passing the woman a large blanked and began to walk into the night. "Where are you going miss Zia?" The lite girl asked.

"Get some rest, I'll make sure you're safe," Zia smiled as she vanished into the night.


When dawn rose, the little girl sat up when she smelled bacon and woke up. Zia smiled at her and handed her some food.

The mother woke up and Zia did the same, "Do you know how to ride a horse?" Zia asked and the lady nodded.

"I found a horse, he has a saddle and a gentle nature," Zia said pointing to the golden horse and a sack tied to the saddle. "There's food and water for the next few days" Zia then handed her a map, "This is the safest route to where you're going and if anyone from the smp gives you trouble say Zia said to let you through." She smiled as she patted the girls head and swing onto her horse.

"Thankyou, but will you be okay, you have a cut on your face?" The woman said, Zia touch her face and shrugged, it was all apart of the adventuring business.

"Just make sure you go the exact way I tell you to, the Dream smp will let you through but the Kingdom of Wrathdom won't."

She waved as she flicked the reins and galloped away.

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now