Sixty - Eight

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A fog smothered all light from the dream smp, it was as thick as the despairing atmosphere that came with all the death from the night before. Dream didn't dare look down as he heard his feet gently splash in an unknown liquid. He hoped it was water.

Ruin was all he could describe it as. Grief filled cries filled the air, he wished he had ear plugs to drain them out.

It's a game of tag

He wondered if it was his fault. This ruin and destruction, why didn't he just listen to Zia.

He could feel eyes sticking to him, unyielding gazes, like they were searching his body for answers, he had none, he didn't know how to stop this ruin, maybe they should just play the game until they all die.

Two sets of hurried footsteps echoed behind him, becoming louder as they drew nearer until they stopped. The silence was unsettling. "The wounded have been taken to Erets castle." Wounded. He didn't want to ask about the dead, he hoped that there would be none at all.

"Casualties?" he asked, he almost choked on his words as the fear of his friends dead ate at him.

The silence between the three felt like an eternity until Sapnap spoke up, "laid in the foyer to be buried after," he spoke barely above a whisper. What happened last night was like a tornado with no tornado siren, there was no warning, there was just death.

Dream took a shuddering breath, wondering why he had to live whilst so many innocents had died. "What are we going to do?" Geroge asked. There was only one thing they could do but it was considered near impossible and would be impossible.

Dream didn't answer as he began to walk again, it was like his mind was dead as he eventually arrived at Eret's castle. Dream tried to hold his gaze forward as he approached the dead covered in tarps.

It wasn't his mind's decision to turn his head to the right, he didn't want to look, but something deep down forced him to like it was saying it's your fault. It made him wonder if everything he ever did was for power or for his friends.

The addiction of having power was great, it was an invincibility that was as bad as a drug. He used the excuse that he was doing this to protect the friends in his nation but it was because he was power hungry, arrogant and blind.

He wished he opened his eyes sooner, he should have opened his eyes the day Zia chose L' Manburg over him.

Something within him broke as he noticed a familiar hoof like foot sticking out from the tarp. Callahan? He then saw the sleeve on a recognisable red, yellow and orange hoodie, ponk? He drew his gaze away, he didn't want to know how many were dead.

Dream hadn't formulated any thoughts as he watched Technoblade stand with Silva in the corner, an arm wrapped around her shoulder and rubbing her back comfortingly as she laid her head on his shoulder.

Tears streamed down Phils face as he tended to Tubbo, Tommy's and Ranboo's wounds as they slept side by side. Dream tried to drone out the pained groans and rasping breaths, the crying eyes and sorrowfulness.

They had to stop the Kingslayer.

A hand fell on Dream's shoulder, he turned around. Technoblade stared at him blankly through his bone mask, "we need to talk," he said as he motioned Dream to follow. " Eret is dead," Technoblade said as they walked into the King's meeting room.

Technoblade took a seat next to Silva as Dream glanced around the room. Everything was still and silent. Punz, Purpled, Hannah, Fundy, Sapnap, George, Technoblade, Silva, Nikki, Awesamdude, Skeppy whose tears flowed freely down his face, Foolish, Quackity and Karl sat silently staring at him.

He then counted the unconscious in the other room from memory, Philza was there nursing; Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Slimecicle, Jack, HBomb. Dream shuddered as he then counted the dead, deducing that who was not sitting there nor in the room next door was laying under a tarp.

Antfrost, Bad Boy Halo, Callahan, Puffy, Connor, Alyssa, Ponk and Tina were all dead.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Dream asked.

" It's kind of obvious, the King Slayer must be stopped," Technoblade said

" How?!" Quackity scream. "You weren't there, you didn't see death, you didn't watch your friends get cut down!"

"Where the fuck do you think we were?!" Silva yelled, slamming her hand on the table. "We were fucking cut down first, where the fuck were you?"

Technoblade grabbed her wrist. The silence was definitely long gone as people began to scream over each other, complaining about what had happened blaming each other. Dream held his head in his hands and he leaned on his knees.

"Shut up," he snapped quietly. "Now is not the time to complain about the bullshit last night," Dream said darkly, unemotionally. " Fact is no one was ready, everyone died and some won't be coming back, you want their death to be in vain."

The silence had returned. " Then shut up and listen to Techno," Dream said as he slumped in his seat. He could revive them, he should revive them but he didn't want to bring them back to a place where the dragon would bring more ruin then the king slayer.

"Right, uh, yeah, I have no idea what's going on," Technoblade said and a sigh resonated in the room. "But I do know that the King Slayer is going to try and bring the ender dragon from the end to the over world."

"That fucking helps," Quackity huffed.

The door then swung open with a bang as Tommy, Ranboo, Tubbo, Jack and Philza filtered through, "Slimesicle and Hbomb didn't make it," Philza muttered as he and the boys sat down.

Fear riddled Tommy's eyes as Tubbo's was filled with the tears of guilt and grief. "The old magic to bring the dragon to the overworld has been lost for centuries," Silva said as she looked to Philza to add on.

"There is a library hidden under the castle of Blazedom. Only one problem, no one knows where the castle is, nor the Kingdom and there's a rumor that only the citizens or people married to one can access the library." Philza then looked to Fundy who hung his head.

"My Mom's home," Fundy whispered under his breath, Philza nodded.

"Fundy has never set foot in his mother's home, so he can't access the library but there's one person who can... Wilbur," Philza finally said.

"Wilbur is dead," Tommy grumbled.

"Not necessarily," Dream said, "Schlatt gave me a revival book."

"Then why the fuck haven't you brought anyone back!" Quackity screamed, "Did you not see them, our dead friends!"

"Yeah I did and I thought how lucky they were, they won't have to suffer anymore ruin, they won't have to watch their friends die, they're done, gone, they don't have to worry about the dragon," Dream snapped back.

"I don't get it so is the plan to kill the king slayer or stop the dragon?" Nikki asked

"Both," replied Technoblade and Silva. "If we kill the King Slayer we stop the dragon but just in case we can't we have to stop the dragon," Silva further explained.

" Why don't you say her name?!" Technoblade yelled at Silva, "It's Zia!" Tubbo yelled. "Call her the King Slayer all you want but it's Zia we're trying to kill. She's still in there somewhere and you're all just giving up on her," Tubbo said sadly.

"Tubbo, she cut you down, she cut Silva and Technoblade down and they're her best friends, he didn't hesitate to kill Dream and she loved him more than a friend and you're saying that we should try and do what, save her!" Tommy screamed at his friend. " She's too far gone!"

"Well we're not going to kill her, you weren't there," Tubbo said with a shaky voice, "you weren't there when she was at her weakest and still cut down 50 people before she dropped dead," Tubbo snapped, Techno and Dream immediately hung their heads.

"Then what else do we do, lay down and die," Ranboo spoke up, his voice trembling along with his hands. "Because that seems like the only option."

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now