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"Hello Dream," Zia said softly as she leaned into his side. She had been so angry lately that she had come close to snapping on multiple occasions, she was glad to feel sane just for a bit.

"Sooo, what's going on?" He asked, he noticed Zia just stared at her hands, something was wrong.

"Do you think I'm a monster?" She asked him as she stared at her vision of bloody hands.

"No, of course I don't," Dream said, what had brought this about? Zia was usually confident about all her decisions, sure she slaughtered some innocent people in the way but it was necessary and she had no control over what she was doing.

"Then why do I see blood on my hands," she said shakily as Dream held her hands in his and kissed them. "Schlatt invited me to the festival Dream. It's going to end in a blood bath between myself and Techno," she said sadly as Dream patted her back. "Am I doing the right thing? Does Manburg and Schlatt really need to die?" She said hastily.

"Zia," Dream said as he shuffled so he sat across from her, he removed his mask so that she could see him. He gave her a small smile, "Schlatt wants smp land and is expanding onto it. My land. If anything you're defending the smp."

Zia rasied an eyebrow at him, "then slaying nikki, Fundy, Punz and everyone else is a good thing?"

Dream didn't know what to say, killing pillagers and evil kings was one thing, slaying friends was completely different. "Zia no matter what happens, I will always love you," Dream said softly and Zia's sad face melted into a soft smile as she lunged forwards to wrap her arms around Dream, resting her head in his chest. "When this is over, I promise you won't have to fight anymore, we'll move out the smp."

"And spend the rest of my days together," Zia said happily and Dream hugged her tighter.

"Until Death parts us, now you and I are dethroning a king with Sapnap and George," Dream grinned as he stood up.

Zia grinned as Dream held out a hand to help her up, "you really know how to treat a girl."

"Dethroning, not killing m'lady king slayer. Eret should remain neutral and he's been in Manburg far too often so I'm going to replace him with George if he continues" Dream said as he held Zia's hand as they walked towards the smp.

"Just make sure Sapnap and George aren't at the festival, I don't want to be responsible for killing my best friends." Dream chuckled as they descended the stairs.

"Dream I'm not stupid, I've seen the game before," Zia said blandly. "Don't push your friends away, respect is just as important as fear to keep control."

"It doesn't work on you. Never in the entire time I've known you, have you done what I say," Dream said, playfully nudging Zia.

Zia chuckled, "that's because I'm not scared of you and I can beat u any day," she said playfully as she began coughing. Dream rubbed her back until she could drink some more healing potion in her flask.

Sapnap and George stood waiting for them at the edge of the forest. "Sippycup! Gogy!" Zia cheered as she hugged each of them, it felt like a liftime since they played manhunt.

"How's the team princess?" Sapnap said as Zia punched him in the arm.

"This princess will rip you to shreds any day," Zia said as the two grinned at each other with daring smiles.

"Dream missed you the most, he's been moaning about you in his sleep," Geoge teased as Zia and Sapnap burst out laughing.

"GEORGE!" Dream yelled which sent them into fits of laughter that almost made George fall over.

A Game For Power And Freedom (Dream smp x OC)Where stories live. Discover now