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"TSUGIKUNI-SAN? ARE you in there?" A villager asked as she stood patiently in front of the shoji door connected to the room the two were given once they arrived at the village at the crack ass of dawn. Hearing no response, her companion beside her looked at her with a worried expression. "Rita-san, I think they're resting. After all, they traveled from so far."

Rita pursed her lips, blowing a strain of her white hair from her hair. " I understand that but chief Eno is getting angsty Mina. More and more villagers are disappearing! We can't just-"

The two halted their conversation and straightened upon hearing the sound of the shoji door slowly sliding to the left, the two locking gazes with half-lidded pink flower-shaped eyes as she poked her head through the small space of the door. her hair was disheveled, cheeks flushed pink. They assumed she just woke up, making them feel a bit of guilt in their chest for waking the exhausted woman.

"Oh..Good Morning." Y/n gave them a closed smile, bowing her head as Eita and Mina followed suit. "Do you need..uh need any-thing?" Rita was unaware of the slight crack in her voice, speaking up in a polite voice.

"We apologize for waking you so early Tsugikuni-san! But Chief Eno is asking for your husband, he's um...starting to get very desperate as more people are disappearing from the village." Mina stayed silent as the two conversed, finding interest in the designs imprinted on the sliding door. Her bored brown eyes then trailing down to the hand y/n used to support the sliding door.

She raised an eyebrow seeing how much
the woman was gripping the wood with such...vigor, nails almost digging through the fabric. It was subtle, Mina would have missed it had she not been paying attention to the idle designs of the door instead of the conversation at hand.

'How strange.' She mused, looking at the pinkette before tuning back into the conversation.

"Ah okay. He'll be ready soon, uh just give us him a few minutes, we kinda just woke up so-" The light skin woman halted mid-sentence, pressing her hand on her mouth as a strange noise escaped her lips, face hot and eyes trembling with emotion.

"Nrg-! Uh I-I'm sorry excuse me for a second please," y/n squeaked, turning to scowl at whoever was behind the door. The girls began to sweat as vein marks protruded through her melanin skin, fury emitting from her body.

"Tsugikuni-san? A-Are you okay?" Rita exclaimed with a worried tone, eyebrows furrowed. Y/n let out a shaky laugh, waving her off. "I-i'm fine! I just um, I'm just a bit groggy in the morning, you know not a-a.." she gulped, closing her eyes before hastily reopening them.

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