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"ARE WE THERE YET? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there are we there yet? Are we there? Are we there yet-"


Y/n let out a frustrating groan, slumping onto her husband's shoulder, walking through the dirt path in unison. The breath slayer gave his poor lazy wife a simple pat on the head as comfort. Her feet were sore and she felt like her legs could give out anytime soon. They've been walking for HOURS, the sun was close to setting, only meaning it was close to demon hour.

It would probably take them two days (TWO MF DAYS) to reach the village for the mission. "Yoriichi." She mumbled into his shoulder, eyes half-lidded with exhaustion.


"Can you carry me, please? My feet are starting to numb."

Y/n didn't need a response as she felt the soils of her feet lift off the ground and into the cozy embrace of her lover. "Am I heavy?" Y/n questioned, looking at Yoriichi through the corner of her eye sus.

"No." The woman nodded, pleased at the immediate response with a proud smile on her face. 'He knows better, he learned his lesson from last time. Hmph.'  She mused, slithering her arms around his neck, face snuggled into the crook of his neck. "Ah~ you're so warm yorii~" she purred, smile morphing into a Cheshire grin upon seeing his neck turn red with embarrassment. "Your heart is beating fast too, you're falling in love with me all over again huh?"

"Stop teasing me or I'll drop you."

Y/n snorted, rolling her eyes. "You wouldn't dare. AHH WAIT– NO NO NO, OKAY IM SORRY."

The redhead snickered at her panicked expression, before bringing her back to his chest level. "Ah, you're so warm y/n." He hummed, using her own words against her with a mocking smile. "I see your heart is beating a bit fast too, maybe you're falling in love with me all over again huh?"

"Shut up!" She growled, playfully pushing his face away, looking afar with red cheeks.

Pink eyes gazed into the distance, watching as the sun began to descend at an idle pace behind the huge mountain. "Yoriichi, it's about to be night soon, we should find somewhere to camp." She whispered, eyebrows creasing at how unusually quiet it became. Most of the animals were out of sight, either sleeping for the night, or hidden in fear of those things beginning to lurk.

The male nodded, look turning serious. "I know. Can you move now?" She nodded.

"You brought our food right?" Yoriichi froze, beads of sweat forming on his face as she was lowered to the ground. He watched nervously as she jumped in place, back facing her husband with a hungry expression. "Ah~! I can't wait to eat some beef with a little bit of chicken! I'm so hungry! Hm I'm drooling at the thought! 🤤"

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