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"YEAH, BEAT HIS ASS!" Y/N cheered, sitting on a tree branch and watching as her husband effortlessly defeat the demon king as if he was slaying just any regular demon. She munched on her popcorn(yes popcorn), watching the demon panic in amusement. "Hm this popcorn hit different,"

Tamayo watched the female from afar in clear
astonishment and confusion. 'A female human
sitting on a branch? Is she not fazed by what's

"What's so fun about it? What's so enjoyable?"
Yoriichi asked, towering over the afraid demon.
"What is the value of a life to you?"

"ANSWER HIM DUMBASS!" The sun user
sweatdropped at his wife, glancing in her direction with a deadpan look. She muttered a small sorry, cheekily averting her gaze from the male.

Unfortunately, Muzan took this as a chance to escape and burst into thousands of pieces of flesh, much to the slayer's surprise.

Tamayo let out a cry of anguish, collapsing unto the floor as she wept. "Y-you almost did it... I wish that filthy man had died! Muzan Kibutsuji!"

With a worried look, Yoriichi kneeled down to
reach Tamayo's level, attempting to calm her down. "Please calm down." He murmured, patting her back. His red hues flickered to the tree y/n sat on, only for his eyes to widen as he found it void of any presence.

She had gone after Muzan.


Muzan let out a big sigh of relief as his body gradually but surely began to regenerate. Scars littered his body as his cells continued to tremble, traumatized from the events that occurred just moments ago.

"That man-" He growled, teeth grinding with anger as veins bulged through his skin. "That man is a true monster..he is the monster, not me!"

"Yeah, he's definitely a monster alright." Muzan immediately felt his body tense from the voice and turned to the unfamiliar woman, disgust written over his features.

"A monster in bed PHAHAHAHHA-"Y/N cackled, pulling out her fan as she began to fan
herself. Muzan watched with an irritable
expression as Y/N continued to cackle over her
own bad joke before wiping her fake tears.
"Whew, I crack myself up!"

"You have three seconds to run
before I kill you human." Y/n gave the demon king a bored look, cleaning the popcorn remains from her fingertips.

"you're so boring." She stated with a bored tone, urking muzan. "i expected more from the king of demons, but you're just the same as the other demons. same generic lines and goals, wOrld doMinAtion headasses, always craving for more poWer blah blah blah!"

The demon king was fed up as she continued to down talk him, her tone becoming more and more condescending. And not to mention the smug smile on her lips. She was toying with him. How dare she?!

"How dare you speak to me so lowly?!" he snarled.

"Because you're the scum of the earth dearie!" She grinned. "How do you let my husband, a human nonetheless beat you, the demon king? Are you not embarrazzed? This is so embarrazzing.."

"You-" Muzan paused. "Wait..husband?"

Muzan felt his heart drop once he saw the seemingly normal black fan in her hand grow red in color, tips erupting in flames. "You see the man that almost defeated you not too long ago?" She chuckled, tilted her head with a mocking grin, pink orbs gleaming with animosity.

"He's my husband, you lowlife."

That's when Muzan knew, he fucked up.


"Yoriichii stop ignoring me, I'm sorry!"

"You can't just run off like that, what if you
got hurt?" Yoriichi scolded, looking at his pouting wife with a blank expression as they walked back to the demon slayer headquarters.

"I'M SOOORY, I WON'T DO IT AGAIN OKAY 🥺" Y/n fussed. "And it not like he hurt me, I folded his ass until he saw you and ran away I'm very strong! no demon is gonna catch me lacking no more! 💪🏽"

The sun user gave her a look before flicking her forehead.


"Having that mentality will get you killed y/n."
He frowned. Yoriichi looked at his wife with a sad expression. "I know you're strong but I just..." He words turned into whispers, calloused hands interweaving with her. "I don't want to lose you. Not again. Not ever. Please don't be so reckless. I'd lose my mind without you." Y/n's eyes grew as his eyes turned glossy.

"You're my everything y/n."

"Okay I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I won't run off again." Y/n reassured, kissing the insides of his palm and giving him a comfortable smile. She felt guilty, being so impulsive like that. Especially when knowing the history of his late wife.

"You will never lose me!" y/n beamed, wiping away his tears. "Because I will always be by your side!"

"Literally, I will always be by your side. In the kitchen, on missions, in the bathroom when yo-"

Yoriichi couldn't help but let out a small laugh as y/n continued to ramble on with her nonsense, kissing her cheek. "I love you." He chuckled.

"I love you too, gimme another kiss! 😌"

"..how do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"That yellow thing."

"Don't ask✨" Yoriichi sweat dropped but did not comment any further. Only nodding.


yoriixgu journal !had to rewrite someparts of this becauseone i'm dumb and erasedthe og prologue by accident whilst editing

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yoriixgu journal !
had to rewrite some
parts of this because
one i'm dumb and erased
the og prologue by accident
whilst editing.

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