5. She's all yours

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[Once again, hello world. Thank you for reading my story.]

Your Pov

I didn't know how I got that courage to speak like that but I was so disappointed when I heard, IT'S KIND OF A TRADITION. It kept stabbing my heart that how can something like this be a tradition. (*I'm not someone to just change anything, but this just cannot be continued*)
"Yah? What did you just say?" A senior with bleached hair asked.
I simply gave a smirk and didn't bother to answer. They sighed.
Taehyung asked, "Sunbae, what was the announcement btw?"
Well well, it was the first time I saw seniors smiling, Was she already trying to flirt with Tae?
"Oh yes, I forgot, but it's not for you. Kim Taehyung, right?" She asked.

 Kim Taehyung, right?" She asked

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"Yes, sunbae."
"Cute. Btw this announcement is for the girls of Physics department, all of you have to come to the common room after today's class, okay? If anyone is missing, this will be bad, I'll add you all (male+female), in a group chat later. We already have your numbers."

Wonwoo's Pov

Only girls? Wow, what's with all this! We had a lunch break at 1 pm, then we had class on another course. We finished the class at almost 5 pm. Well, it wasn't boring at all, maybe because it was our first class. In my opinion, if any university student really thinks that the class isn't boring then he/she has literally some problems.
We had the message notification at the same time as we were already added to a group with seniors. Professor scanned the whole class, he took off his glasses and said,
"Are you having a group chat in the middle of my class?"
"I won't search your phone, so be honest. Who interrupted the class?"
"Are you not going to answer?"
"Then I'll deduct your marks, this is very bad of you ruining the first impression."
"The seniors, they texted us." Nayeon said loudly.
"Stand up please."
She did. "You will have a bonus of 2 marks. Anyway, Why are they texting?"
"To meet them after the class." Nayeon replied.
"I guess you already have a good interaction with them. That's good. But during class time, please keep your phone on silent mode. I won't accept any excuse again."
I didn't know why but I just couldn't leave after the class. I had a bad feeling about Soomin, wouldn't she be the target today!
The girls went in, I was alone in the corridor, having a drink, a very known voice called me from back,
"Oh, Wonwoo-ah?"
It was Zuho hyung, my cousin, also my best friend.

(Everyone say hi to Zuho)"Ah, Zuho hyung! I tried to contact you after coming here

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(Everyone say hi to Zuho)
"Ah, Zuho hyung! I tried to contact you after coming here. You were not available."
"Mian, I was so busy welcoming the freshers."
"Welcoming fresher? Tch."
"Did something happen?"
"You just said you welcomed juniors, did you really!"
Suddenly the guy who was with Soomin that day came,
"Oh Zuho hyung." Then he looked at me,
"Uh, Jeon Wonwoo? I saw you with Soomin that day."
"Ah yes." I replied.
"You know each other? Wonwoo is my cousin. Oh I forgot, Seonghwa, you said your younger sister was admitted in the Physics department. Introduce me next time." Zuho hyung said.
(*Wait his sister! Soomin was his sister!? I was thinking wrong all this time!*) For some reason I felt at ease.
"Okay hyung, let's have a date fixed, we'll have dinner together." Seonghwa hyung said.
"Sure, ah Wonwoo, what were you saying?" Zuho hyung asked.
"Nothing." I replied.
"Yah, Seonghwa, do you know what's going on? Your sister is in Physics too."
"The same thing that they always do. They just don't know their place!" Seonghwa hyung sighed.
"They're on it again. Wonwoo-ah just hang in there, okay? Just for some days, okay?"
"He almost got into a fight yesterday, hyung! I don't think he is an average!" Seonghwa hyung said.
"Really? That's the Wonwoo I know." (Wait, was he proud!) Seonghwa hyung smiled too.
"What are you doing here btw?". Seonghwa hyung asked.
"Just passing time. Sunbae, I can call you hyung, right?"
"Sure! What else would you call then? Noona? Haha."
"You met Soomin today? Why is she not receiving my call!?" Seonghwa hyung was worried.

""You met Soomin today? Why is she not receiving my call!?" Seonghwa hyung was worried

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"She's in the common room(pointing with my finger). Seniors called all the girls today." I replied.
"Oh God! This is bad"
"She'll be okay, I think. Don't worry."
"Hope so."
We talked for some time then hyungs left for their urgent meeting for some kind of club maybe. I didn't ask. I had two cups of coffee because I didn't get to sleep last night.
After some moments someone screamed and a door was opened with a loud noise, I panickedly looked at the direction, it was from our common room.

Your Pov

The girls were terrified as hell entering the common room. There were no guys but all the female seniors, sitting on the chair or table looking at us with their hawkeye eyes. We greeted them while entering. We sat down as we were told. The seniors from the morning were there, they had their eyes on me.
"One by one, you all have to introduce yourselves. Your name, department name, high school name, your hometown, your hobby and everything." Sana sunbae said. (*What! Again!?*)
"Anyone interested in going first?"
Silence in the room....
"Are you all deaf? We're asking! If some guys were here, you all would just raise your hand, you thought we don't know your character! All of you are just greedy to flirt with sunbaes!" (WTH-seriously)
"I'll go first." Nayeon raised hand.
"Okay. Stand up there on the dias"
She did her intro for 15 times. (Legit on experience.) She was strong, she handled her situation. Then 3 others went, 2 of them ended up crying, because the behavior was so rude even any person with a perfect and cool brain would want to leave the earth just to escape this stage. (Idk how should I explain more than this.)
It was my turn!
"Yah, Sooah & Minah, she's all yours!" A senior said looking at the seniors from the morning!
"Okay, Sunbae." Sooah Sunbae replied.

[That's it for today, seriously I cannot wait for you to read my next chapter. Stay tuned]

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