February 21, 2021@ 12:20-12:36 AM

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Well we've had two weeks off of school because of Missouri weather. If I'm being honest I haven't seen this much snow in Missouri since I was about 5. That's over 13 years ago. It's crazy how time flies these past years. So many things have changed since I was a kid.

Don't get me wrong, many things have stayed the same from my childhood as well. I just happened to have noticed how much has changed since I was in pre-school. I grew up with so many memories of good things that I never really paid attention to all of the bad things that would happen to me or around me. And I find it funny because I don't remember a lot of things but I can remember random yet oddly specific things about certain memories through out my childhood even when entire years have seemingly gotten lost in the labyrinth of corridors I call my mind. And I've been told so many things by my so called parents that I don't honestly know what's a real memory or what's a just simply a complex dream that I can remember every detail about.

It honestly makes me question my mental health along with my schooling. A part of me is so ecstatic that I'm so close to graduating high school, another part of me is so very confused on how I've made it this far, and yet another part of me feels like this is all just some sickening dream that I'll wake up from any moment now. Nonetheless I'll still enjoy this for as long as I can. If I'm being honest I didn't think I would make it this far in life so I don't exactly know what I'll do after high school. I kind of plan on moving in with a friend that I call my little sister cuz she is younger than me by a 7 month difference. She's already got a job and is saving up and I'll get a job this summer after I graduate so that way we can move in together as soon as possible.

Things will be so much better for the both of us once we move in together. Our lives won't be controlled by our parents at last. It'll be perfect in every single way. We both can't wait to move in with each other. We can't wait to start our adventure together. The sooner the better as I always say.

High School Senior: The Quiet And Observant OneWhere stories live. Discover now