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the next day hawk picked me up for school. i was wearing this tie dye sweat pants and this white cropped tank top and matching zip up jacket. i had a cery basic style but it was all so comfy so I'll never change.

when we went inside we all were talking until the bell rang and hawk and i went to our homeroom

we were listening to the announcements when tory came over the speakers.

samantha larusso. you know what you did. I'm coming for you bitch tory says and throws the mic down. hawk and i look at each other thinking the other would know what happened but we both didn't know

we all filed out of homeroom and followed the crowds. we stopped in one of the hallways and saw sam and tory circling each other

i saw what you did at the party. you kissed miguel tory screams and everyone lets out some "ooos"

i see robbys face fall and without realizing i let out a laugh and everyone looks at me

told you is all i say and i say it directly to robby

a huge fight broke out and we were all in the main lobby now. hawk had got kicked into the trophy case so i went over to help him.

suddenly a bunch of people screamed and we both turn around we see our bestfriend falling from the top floor railing

"MIGUEL" i scream in horror

his back it's the stairs and everyone flinches at the sight.

i run over to where he had fell pushing everyone that was in my way to the side. hawk close behind me

i kneel down and softly put my hand on his bloody cheek

"miguel come on wake up" i say

no response

"miguel... miguel come on" i say louder

no response

"MIGUEL" i scream

i feel tears form in my eyes and i quickly stand up and look around. i knew this was all too horrific to be a dream but i still wanted it to be

i look up to where he had fell from and see robby's face with wide eyes. before i can say anything i hear sam yell

"ROBBY WHAT DID YOU DO"  sam screams

"i can't believe you" i say turning to sam angrily

"wha? me?!" she says

"YES YOU, YOU JUST HAD TO KISS HIM AT THAT PARTY? we all knew you were just using robby. you should have known something like this would happen but you didn't care. your just a selfish bitch" i yell getting ready to pounce on her but hawk grabs me

"stop, via. there's no point" he says brokenly

the paramedics quickly get there and take my best friend away.

i had some bruises and cuts but i couldn't feel anything knowing miguel was so hurt. knowing that robby was hurt too. and tory. and it was all samantha larusso's fault.

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