‹ Kingdom Of Lenra (Prev.Gen) ›

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The prince of the kingdom was known for not always going by the rules but he was a great person nevertheless, his single mother would always work hard to make him a better person despite ruling a kingdom all on her own after her husband passed away.

johnny loved taking his horse around the kingdom, and sometimes when his mother would go for work in other parts of the kingdom she would take her only son with her.

on one of those trips, Johnny had permission to go around the city, wearing a hood though so that he wouldn't be recognized. he then stubled across a book store that caught his eye, he owned a massive library in his own room but that didn't mean he didn't want to step in. Which he did. He walked around the book store and read the different titles of books

"May I help you?" A short but cute boy asks. Johnny turns to look at him and immediately feels something strange in his heart that he'd never felt before. He looked at the boy and slowly studied his face, his eyes eventually landing and the dark haired boy's deep ones. eventually, the boy coughed

"I'm sorry, uh, do you have any recommendations?" Johnny asks, he wasnt really looking for anything in specfic, he just wanted to talk to the boy

"Yeah, this one right there is pretty good," he points at a brown hard covered book. it wasn't very thick nor heavy but since when did size determine how good a book was?

"Oh! I've read that one, truly my favorite,"

"Same! I love it, I could read it over and over,"

"Oh trust me, I have,"

"I'm  Ten by the way, nice to meet you," he says

"Johnny," The older says back

"As in, prince Johnny?"


"Oh, that's pretty great, didn't know you were into books your highness," ten says feeling slightly awkward which johnny sensed

"Do you- maybe want to go the pub nearby for a drink? on me of course,"

"I have to run this place, my mother is sick," Ten replies

"That's okay,"

"We can sit here and chat more about books if you'de like?" Ten suggests and Johnny nods with a bright smile, pulling away his hood and that's when ten's heart skips a beat, he had only heard about how handsome the prince was, but never really saw it for himself until now. he didn't want to make anythung awkward so he just brushed it off and lead Johnny to the back of the book store where there were a few chairs and tables to sit down.

the two talked and talked for a long times, eventually, Johnny brought Ten to the massive house that they were staying in that time and they got drunk and eventually slept together without the knowledge of the queen or anyone else.

The next morning, they woke up and talking a little more before Johnny helped the boy out and walked him home.

and for 5 months the two would constantly write letters to each other and once johnny was crowned as king, he invited ten and his mother where he would finally ask for his mother's blessings.

except that there was a minor but not so minor set back. during the coronation, Ten did indeed show up with his mom but something was different about him. He still had the same sassy but loving personality but something wasn't right.

"Hi, you must be Ten, nice to meet you," The former queen says and Ten panics in her presence and bows in respect and so does his mom bit the boy flinches slightly and johnny notices it but says nothing

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