Chapter 10

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"And healer Kresten said I really am talented in the healing arts," Melya says enthusiastically. Arion chuckles.
"I already knew that," he tells her.
"What!? How did you know I would be good at the human way of healing?"
"You're an elven woman. I've heard elves can do anything they want to do."
"So it wasn't like you trusted me to be talented?"
"Of course not!"
"You ass!" she pushes him off of the bench they're sitting on. They are in the garden, it is three hours past noon. Kithan said Melya should have some free time on her hands after the lessons and the castle's work will also be taken care of without her supervision. Melya immediately went to find Sisi, but the maid refused to talk to her for some reason. Luckily Arion also had nothing to do so they decided to go do nothing together.
Arion just laughed at her and brushed his light brown hair out of his face.
"There are leaves in my hair!" he complains.
"Don't overreact. You wouldn't have had leaves in your hair if you'd been nice," Melya states. After Arion has pointed his puppy-eyed stare at her for a moment she sighs and says: "Come here, you big baby." and starts taking the teeny tiny leaves out of his hair.
"People are staring at us," Arion notices.
"They are probably wondering what game I am playing," Melya answers whilst being focused entirely on getting the leaves out of the other's hair, "I guess they think I am trying to work my way up even more."
"Hah, wait until they find out you're an elven woman. They would think you're am assassin," he says.
"I would be a most useless assassin. I have no idea how to handle a weapon."
"You're skilled in healing. You know how to make a couple of poisons for sure."
"That's true. I wouldn't dare though." She gives up. The leaves are just too much stuck. Arion turns around.
"If it were a serious enough situation I think you would," he says.
"Interesting how noticing people's stares can lead to a conversation about me being a muderer," Melya says.
"If you would be, you'd be the cutest murderer I've ever met," he answers, "but I have to go now, Zaran asked me if I could go to him around this time. I will see you soon, prettiest of assassins." He kisses her again and walks off.
After a little while Melya decides to go to her room. When she is walking between the carefully decorated pillars which support the gallery, someone suddenly pulls her aside by the arm.
"What do you think..." Melya starts, but her voice dies away. She looks into Sisi's eyes, which are full of anger and fear. She starts to speak, in a scary, hissing voice.
"Why did Arion call you an elf?"

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