Chapter 3

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Short chapter, again, but I love cliffhangers.

“Why would they do that?” he says, astonished.

“Not agreeing with Her Royal Highness the Queen of elves,” she says with a sad smile, “We had a different opinion on an important matter.”

“And what about your name? I can’t imagine elves not having names.”

“If your banished, you are also become an outcast of the culture. An elven name is a part of the culture, so you lose it as well.”

“What was your name, before you were… banished?”


“Well, I can’t keep calling you ‘you’. You need a name. Do you know a name you like?” Arion pays for the apples and walks on to the next stand, where he apparently wants to buy a pair of deer steaks.

“Just elven names. I obviously can’t use those. A human name seems appropriate.”

“Hmm. Does Melya sound nice to you?” he suggests, “No, I really won’t pay that much. Thirty Cithen, final offer,” he snarls at the man selling deer steaks. He continues his bargain. In the end, he buys the deer steaks and four chicken legs for forty-three Cithen. “Well, what do you think?” he insists.

“It sounds like a great name,” the elven woman says.

Silently they continue their shopping. In the end they return to the inn with a pile of apples, the steaks and chicken legs, a basket overflowing with vegetables and three bottles of wine. The sun only just reached her highest point, so Arion and Melya get their horse and cart and leave Corntown.

“Where are we going?” Melya asks

“The Royal court, in Dumès,” Arion says, “I’m serving the Crown prince, Kithan.”

“Why are you taking me with you?” Melya continues her inquiry, “I mean, I really appreciate you helping me like this, but what do you think I could do there I can’t do here?”

“I was considering to ask the people if they need another servant,” he answers, “Which is almost always the case. Especially in the kitchens there are never enough people. Do you have any skills you could use around there?”

“Not much, I’ve been pampered since I was a little girl. I was being schooled to be a healer though.”

“That could be useful later. Well, it doesn’t matter now, you’ll learn!”

At sundown they reach the city of Dumès. And a city it is! Enormous walls surround the immense city, and even though the hour is late they can hear the noise of people living there. Above the walls they can see the Royal palace, standing on top of a hill. The palace is made of simple grey stone, and has lots of towers.

But before they can go to the castle, they have to pass the guards. Those greet Arion, don’t even ask why there’s an unknown girl next to him. It isn’t until they reach the Royal castle a guard makes a remark. “Have you pulled one of the streets yet again, Arion,” he says, “It’s the first time you bring someone home.”

“This is Melya,” Arion answers, “She’s a friend of mine. She would like to work at the court.”

“It’s not my responsibility to agree to that.” The guard smiles, and gestures them to go on their way.

After Arion has delivered the groceries to the personal servants of the Crown prince, he beckons the elven woman to follow him. “We’re going to the person who takes care of the staff and all that stuff,” Arion explains, “I’m going to ask her if there’s work for you to do.”

“Okay,” Melya answers, “But I want to know one more thing. Why do the people here hate elves?”

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