Chapter 5

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Long chapter!

“You must be new, here, am I right?” she says, “I’m Sisi. I’ll help you, give me that plate.”

“I was thinking the Royal couple had only one son,” Melya succeeds to say.

“They do. But they also have visitors,” Sisi explains, “A lot of them, and they’re important so we can’t make a mess of breakfast, lunch or dinner.” The two of them walk back to the kitchens, and with Sisi is instructing her, Melya takes a big bowl of fruit to the dining room. Sisi, just like Arion, simply loves to talk all the time. It’s like they’re scared of silence. She talks on and on about her work, her life, her friends, her fiancé… Melya is wondering if all people are like this, talking so much.

It’s like it’s on purpose. Just when the lords and their ladies enter, they finish their preparations. The nobilities take their seats, and obviously wait until someone comes to them to take note of their wishes for breakfast.

“It’s our job now to provide the lords and ladies of hot beverages,” Sisi says, “but we aren’t allowed to walk with another servant to the same nobleman or woman. Just pay attention to them, see if they are looking at the maids or at their cups or even gesturing for any of us to come.” Melya nods her understanding.

The elven woman mostly stands aloof during the breakfast, she’s watching the others do their jobs. When the nobilities have almost finished their breakfast, a young man suddenly enters. He is tall, slender, has dark eyes and black hair. He does look a little bit like an elf.

“You’re fashionably late again, Kithan,” one of the other young men at the table says, “I still can’t believe you can just do that.”

“That’s the Crown prince, Kithan,” Sisi whispers into Melya’s ear, “He’s a true ladies man. Not that it’s much of a challenge, with his status and appearance…”

“So he’s the guy who Arion works for?” Melya asks.

“You know Arion?” Sisi asks awe-stricken, “Arion always stays as clear of the other staff as possible.”

“He got me this job. He’s a nice guy.”

“He probably likes you very much, girl.” Sisi walks of quickly to bring one of the guests some tea. Melya looks around once more, and suddenly sees Kithan staring at her. Just when she wants to go to him, another girl rushes to the prince. Maybe she only imagines it, but Kithan appears to be disappointed. At that moment, Sisi returns.

“Kithan’s staring at you,” she giggles, “Watch out, that’s how it starts most of the time.” Melya just laughs a bit.

They are free to do whatever they like for what’s left of the morning. The guests are leaving, so only the Royal family will be present at lunch and dinner.

“If it’s just the three of them they pick the girls who serve them personally,” Sisi explains, “They are selected based on skill, obligingness and their appearance, of course.” She winks. The two girls are strolling in the garden where the staff is allowed to come for their leisure. “Those who aren’t chosen have to help the other parts of the work which has to be done in the palace. Mostly cleaning. There is always a lot of rivalry between the girls, because no one wants to be found scrubbing the palace floors when she could also be serving the Royals themselves!” Hanna walks up to the girls.

“Sisi, you’ll be serving Her Royal Majesty the Queen at noon and tonight at dinner. Melya, you’ll be supporting the three who serve the Royal couple and their son. You have to make sure there is always hot water for tea and coffee ready to go. Also make sure the next course of dinner is always prepared in time.” She walks off without leaving any room for questions.

The days pass just like this one, nothing special ever happens. Sisi serves the Royals, Melya yells at the kitchen staff so everything is ready in time. Meanwhile, she catches Kithan staring at her more and more often. She herself keeps an eye at him too, and when she doesn’t work she uses that time to discover things about him. The Queen is not his mother, she left when he was very young. No one of the staff has ever met the old Queen, she was very distant. Everyone says she was a true beauty, though. Nobody knows why she left and where she is. His best friend is the young man greeting him at breakfast her first day, Zaran. They often go for hunts together, sometimes they just leave for days without announcing it. Zaran often eats with the Royals, apparently his father is an important advisor of the King. She hasn’t seen Arion since he got her her job, she hears the prince makes sure he’s always occupied.

One day, Melya is sitting in the garden after lunch. I wonder when I will see Arion again, she wonders, maybe he has just forgotten about me. Then, suddenly, Kithan comes rushing out of the forest. He had been hunting with Zaran, but where was he? When the prince comes nearer, Melya sees Zaran hanging over the saddle of Kithan’s horse he’s bleeding, a lot. Many people come running out of the palace, healers carry Zaran inside. Melya sees it all happening, sees Zaran’s wound. She knows human healers can’t fix this. Elven healer can, but she hasn’t learnt everything yet. Melya goes inside to see if she can help with anything. A healer comes rushing by, says: “You, with the brown hair, get a big bowl of hot water and a couple of clean towels, quick! Take them to the Crown prince’s room!” Melya makes haste to get to the kitchens, gets what she needs and goes on her way. She doesn’t know where Kithan’s room is, but she just follows the trail of healers.

When she enters, she is shocked by what unfolds in front of her eyes. Zaran is lying on the bed, unconscious. Kithan is sitting next to him, tears on his face. She gives the bowl of water and the towels to the nearest healer, and goes standing in a corner unnoticed. The healers try to stop the bleeding, but they fail horribly. One of them puts his hand on Kithan’s shoulder, and all of them leave the room. Kithan lowers his head in defeat.

“Maybe I can do something to help,” Melya says impulsively. Kithan looks up in surprise.

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