Chapter 6

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 “Are you serious? Even the best healers in the whole kingdom can’t help him, and you, a common maid, can?”

“Maybe.” Kithan is silent for a long moment.

“Please try to!”

“I’ll need some things.” She enumerates a lot of stuff, from herbs to hot water to bowls with mortars. Kithan calls the servants waiting on the other side of the room, and Melya repeats everything she needs. The servants rush off, and soon they return. They place their load in front of Melya’s feet, and she immediately starts picking certain herbs to put in a bowl and mash them. She adds a bit of hot water, so it’ll becomes a paste. After that, she smears it over the open wound, which stops bleeding at once. Kithan looks at her, surprised.

“How did you…” he manages to say. Melya continues the treatment. She produces all kinds of potions and ointments, some of which she uses immediately and some she puts aside. After each bit of medicine Zaran breathes more calmly than before. After a long time Melya stops. She sighs, exhausted, and leans backwards against the wall.

“How did you do that?” Kithan asks.

“Lots of practicing,” Melya answers, “Just a lot of practicing. And reading the right books.”

“Sure. You are a servant at the table, aren’t you? I’ve seen you before.”

“I am a maid.”

“I think it is time for you to climb up on the ladder of success. You’ll hear of that later. Go and wash yourselves, you’re all covered in blood.” Melya looks at herself; the prince is right.

“I could say the same of you,” she says whilst smiling cautiously, and leaves. She feels Kithan’s eyes staring at her back.

Not that long after the incident, when Sisi and Melya are making garlands in the garden, Hanna walks up to them. Am I in trouble, Melya asks herself.

“Melya, I need to talk to you for a moment. In private,” she says, and walks off like she always does. Melya and Sisi share a surprised glance, and the elven woman catches up with Hanna. The other woman stops when they are standing behind a column.

“His Royal Highness the Crown prince Kithan has ordered you to be transferred to his personal servants,” Hanna informs the girl, “I don’t know how or why, but he immediately promotes you to his main servant, who follows him all day and makes sure his wishes are always fulfilled. Your room will be next to his, so you’ll be able to help him more efficiently. I’m going to take you there right now, go and get your belongings!” Melya quickly runs to her room, grabs the dress and scarf Arion gave her and goes back to the column where Hanna is impatiently waiting for her to return. Together they walk a number of stairs, which Melya has climbed before, but in a completely different situation. Hanna opens the door next to Kithan’s room, and gestures Melya to go inside. This room is far more luxurious than the one she had before. The bedding is of a way higher quality, a carpet lies on the floor and the room even has its own hearth. Melya places her clothing in the closet, which is pretty big, even compared to the one she had at home, and goes sitting on the bed.

Her new work is more intensive, but it’s also way more fun to do. Kithan is off hunting regularly, and when that’s the case she doesn’t have to work for a couple of hours. When he is present, she makes sure the right clothes are clean at the right moment and ready to go, that the clothes he has worn are washed, and he has food and drinks whenever he wants them. One day, Kithan is off hunting, as usual, and Melya is sitting in the garden, and someone suddenly puts his hands on her shoulders. She jumps, turns around and looks into the grey eyes which belong to Arion.

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