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Welcome to shifting 101!

This first introductory chapter is just going to be about what shifting really is, and I'm going to answer the basic frequently asked questions.

firstly, you need to know the dr and cr meanings.

Dr : Is dream reality/ the reality you want to shift to.

Cr : Current reality/the reality you are in right now. 

Wr : Waiting room

But what is shifting?

Reality shifting to hogwarts has blowed up on tiktok recently, and many are spreading false statements about shifting requirements, and methods, etc. In fact, shifting is not as "witch-magic" as some make it sound - because if you look overall to "shift away from the present" then we do it all the time. We shift when we decide whether to go right or left on the street, for example if you went left you would have met your future husband/wife, and so therefore you would shift away from the present - if it makes sense. to break it down, shifting is moving your consciousness to another reality - and yes it is possible.

Where can I shift to?

there are not some places that you can not switch to. However, an important part of being able to shift is having to imagine in detail how one's dr surroundings are and who is in your dr. it does not have to be a movie, series or book universe that you switch to - you can also just create your ideal life, and invent it all.I have personally shifted to hogwarts, euphoria and twillight so far (I make a whole chapter about my own first experiences and what I regret, etc. 

Can I die in my dr?

this question is in high demand on social media, which I also understand well. The answer is up to you, so you can script whether you can die or not. But if you script that you can die, then you automatically just wake up in your cr again - so you can not die in your own reality because you died in your dr.

Wait but, what is scripting then?

Scripts are guides for what you want to happen in your DR. This includes things about yourself (what you look like) and your surroundings (where you live). Scripts aren't necessary, but highly recommended especially for those who are a little concerned about not having control. (I also make a whole chapter where I guide you from start to finish on how to write scripts)

Okay, then how do i shift?

when I first started trying to shift, I always stressed and thought it would never work. - and that thought is completely normal! those who say you can not shift if you do not believe it 110% do not speak the truth! You can never believe in something 110% without having experienced it yourself. there are a lot of methods for shifting that you can use if you want (I make a chapter on all the methods, and my method, etc.) but you do not need a method at all, and the key to shifting is really just that " visualize, focus and convincing youre mind ". The thing about convincing your mind is having to convince your brain that you are already in your dr. - it is equivalent to sleeping, so when you want to sleep you pretend to be asleep and then suddenly you actually fall asleep. it's a great example and it's very similar to shifting! When we talk about sleeping, shifting also comes into the picture - it is said that you do not have direct contact to the left side of the brain, which is basically the one that also shifts and sleeps. Using the right side of the brain, one can visualize one's dr so much and believe that one is already there, that one's left side also believes it and boom! - then you have shifted. but it differs from person to person about how long it takes to "convince" the left side of the brain - but take your time and be patient <3-this was the little introduction! I would not write too much, and not answer too much - as I make a lot of chapters about everything you need to know! see you in my next chapter (my experience) which will be written as soon as possible. byee <3

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