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Welcome back to shifting 101! Todays chapter is about the lifa app, which only exists in your dr. Enjoy! 

★~What is the lifa app?

It is an app that you can have in other realities. it isnt in all dr and it depends what universe you are shifting to. if you're going somewhere futuristic with phones! like in our cr, you can script that you have the LIFA app. this is not an app that exists on the app store in this reality. the purpose of having it in you dr is to help edit your script while you're in your dr, instead of having to shift back to your cr first. hope that makes sense! The Lifa App is a completely customizable app to script into your DR that will aid you during your time in your DR. It does not exist in this current reality, it's not on the App Store. The Lifa app can have mostly anything and everything, except cross reality communication which I will get into later.

You can have instant food delivery, a Lifa credit card with infinite amount of money, a 'spawn' feature where you can instantly manifest an item/person/animal, subliminal maker etc.

( i didnt script that the lifa app existed, so i cant really tell my own experience - but its still usefull for you guys who want it ) 

★~How can I get it?

You simply script (physically or mentally) that you would like to have the lifa app on your phone or computer in which ever reality you would like.

for example : " I have the lifa app on my phone, and has easily access to it. " 

★~Does it actually work?

Im not sure if all the features on this particular one will work, like the features, spawning someone and communication with cr but i will update you guys on that next time i shift!


•  " my phone is infinitely charged and never dies. "

 " i have an app called lifa on my phone with which i can alter a lot of things in the world with. "

 " it looks like [insert your own design] "


i can set a limited amount of minutes, hours, days, weeks etc to where i want to shift, or i can choose to permanently shift. after clicking to shift for a desired amount of time, i automatically go to bed and fall asleep to wake up in the reality i chose to shift to. when clicking to shift i can choose to be aware that i shifted or not by clicking the 'be aware' or 'not be aware' buttons. after the time limit has passed i instantly fall asleep in bed and wake up back in my dr/wr (if i didn't choose to stay permanently).


i can use lifa's quantum browser to browse the internet on other realities. i can choose between my desired reality, old reality, wr or any other reality i created. every single post i make travels in energy and arrives in normal letters/images in other realities in 0.5 yoctosec. i can normally communicate with people without any errors or glitches. i can also choose which website from which reality


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