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Welcome back to my shifting 101! for this topic, i will be talking about scripting! the ins and outs, the right things to script, and all that other junk! i also have a blank shifting template if you guys want it!  Before we dive in, i want to preface some things before i go into scripting tips. you can script anything, but try to remember that everybody in your desired reality is a real person! you could script hurting them, or something else that's bad, but remember they're not just a dream version of that person- they are real in this reality! Enjoy


scripting is kind of self-explanatory. it's your script for your dr! you write about who you are, where you want to be, who you know, among other things! some people say that it's unnecessary to have a script, and that your subconscious knows what you want, which is true to an extent. however;  i shifted many times, and i used a short script which helped me a lot. that way, even if your subconscious knows what you want, you've concretely defined in words what you want in your dr.


this part is extremely varied, as everybody's dr's are vastly different! do i write on paper or on a computer/phone? do i write paragraphs or bullet points? what pov do i write my script in? don't worry- i gotchu!

you can write your script however you prefer, or for what is most convenient to you. i write my script on my phone notes app, as it's the most convenient for me to access (+ i can edit and read it on my phone as well!). if you feel more drawn to write your script on paper, write your script on paper! the only thing i've read that would be beneficial to writing your script on paper is if you plan to use the pillow method. you could put your phone with your script open under your pillow, technically... but with overheating it can be kinda dangerous. - as i wrote in my previous chapter, its a good idea to read your script through every night before you sleep. 

with regards to full sentences or short bullet points, you can do either. as long as you have the same information, from what i've read, you will be set either way! i personally do both, having a bullet point with basic information and reiterating it with a bit of extra detail at the end of each section. like i said before, doing whatever you're drawn to most will likely be most beneficial for you at the end of the day.

it's best to write your script in present tense, first person ("My name is ____ and I am _____")! this helps you to get into the mindset of you in your dr. a good tip is to also listen to subliminals or theta waves while you're scripting : i used and which are playlist with hidden affirmations to help you shift! these arent a requirement, but they do increase it.


who are you? (what do you look like? age/height/weight? where are you from? what's your personality?)

where are you? (this part is more in regards to specific realities, like for example hogwarts. what's your house? what year are you in? what classes are you taking? this part isn't necessary, but recommended if shifting to realities like this!)

who do you know? (who is in your family? who are your friends? what relationship do you have with each of them? what are their personalities? what do they look like?)

etc. (what is your safe word/action? how long is time in your dr in comparison to your cr? what will your clone do while you're shifting? do you have any benefits scripted?)

i want to address this one a little more in depth, since it's a broad area. in explanation to time, i mean something like "_____ amount of time in my dr is ____ amount of time in my cr". it's recommended to start slow when you first shift to not exhaust yourself when you return (such as stating one day in dr=one hour in cr, then working up to one day in dr=one minute in cr, and so on!)

in regards to benefits, i mean the little things that maybe aren't as prominent, but you would like to have in your dr. do you have a signature scent? do you have good mental health? how wealthy are you? do you have good hygiene/no body odor? do you get sick? anything like that you would add here!


to address a few common questions i've seen with scripting. some of these are my and experiences. 

is it okay to script somebody into a relationship with me?

technically, yes! if you script that, when you shift, you're simply going to the reality where you're already in a relationship with that person. you're not forcing them into a relationship, they are just already in one with you when you shift to your dr. personally for me, i want that nice slow burn stuff, and i want it to be a mystery who i end up with, so i have something along the lines of "people are drawn to me, both platonically and romantically" so things happen organically and naturally!

should i script everything i want to happen in my dr?

Thats totally up to you. it would take a while, but if you want it to be perfect and want to know everything that will happen in your dr, don't let anybody stop you from taking that time! i briefly script major events that would happen, but i like the spontaneity, so i don't script much with events beyond that! at the end of the day, everybody's script will vary depending on what they want from their dr's!

can i die in my dr?

you can, but if you did, you would come back to your cr's body. you can also script that you can't die in your dr, as well as scripting the same for other people in your dr as well. So dont worry about getting stuck or something.

what are the best things to put in my script?

another personal preference piece honestly, but my favourites are among these topics:

high pain tolerance

myself and others cannot die in my dr

there is no lasting trauma in my dr

___ time in my dr is ___ time in my cr

no periods in my dr

i can't get lasting sicknesses or diseases in my dr

i always smell/look good

all around talented person

everybody is drawn to me platonically and romantically

last but not least, i have a blank shifting template here with tons of affirmations and a slight guide to filling it out! feel free to make a copy and edit it to fit your needs. there might be slight edits over time, but i'm pretty happy with this template :) if anybody wants access to it, feel free to dm me and i'll share it with you!

This was all for this script chapter! I will publish next chapter later.. se yaaaa <3

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