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Welcome back to shifting 101! Todays chapter is going to be about shifting subliminals and affirmations which increase your chances of shifting. Enjoy!


affirmations are short sentences that tell our conscious & subconscious mind that 'rewire' your mind, body, etc, so they become a reality.

so for example, i say "i'm pretty" in my head 10x a day. it will tell my conscious & subconscious mind that i'm pretty, and it'll become a reality.

these can appear in different forms, such as in subliminals, self-affirmation quotes, etc.

If you look at shifting affirmations, here is some examples :

I shifted multiple times.

Everytime i try to shift, i shift. 

Shifting is so easy for me. 

Remember to say them like you already did them, or already had them. Say " i had " or " i am " instead of " i will " or " i want. " 


you can use these affirmations, just by repeating them inside your head or reading them!

you can repeat these affirmations throughout the day to rewire your brain when the time to shift finally comes.

ex. while doing daily things, you repeat the affirmation " i succesfully shifted" in your head and it'll make your mind think that you will successfully shift, making it a reality.

you can repeat these affirmations while in your shifting process also.

ex. you're in the process of shifting, you're doing the raven method and you count to 100, each number you're saying a new affirmation.

you can even record yourself saying these affirmations and layer it with a song to make a subliminal!


here are the affirmations you can use!

(sorry if i have repeated affirmations!)

1. i can shift

2. i can shift easily

3. i can shift realities easily

4. i believe i can shift easily

5. i have successfully shifted

6. i have the ability to shift

7. i am focused on shifting

8. i will shift successfully

9. i can shift successfully

10. i am able to shift successfully

11. i am confident in my ability to shift

12. i am in my desired reality

13. i am already in my desired reality

14. i know i am in my desired reality

15. i am in my desired reality already

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