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Welcome back to shifting 101!! so here is a bunch of method you can do to help you shift,, sorry this is long but there are a lot of methods sooo. here are the methods i'll be talking about:

D I S C L A I M E R~

different methods work differently for different people!! just because the raven method works for someone doesn't mean it will work for you, experiment with different methods to try find out what works best for you!! And you dont need to have a method, you can just choose what works for you ( see my chapter : my experiences to see what worked for me, and what " method " i used. ) anyway,, let's move on to the methods!

M E T H O D S~


for the pillow method you have to have your script written down on paper, if you want you can also add good affirmations ( like i shift easily, my first time will be succesfull etc. ), among other things. you can lay in any position for this method. before you attempt to shift its best to reread over your script, then put it under your pillow (folding it should be fine) put on some subliminals and get comfy ( see chapter 3 where there is two links to subliminals. ) . set the intention of shifting and know that you will shift tonight, while going to sleep, try to visualise your DR and say affirmations. you should wake up there, this might take a few tries but it's all about mindset. i personally think this method works better when combined with other methods but you can do this one alone if you prefer. this is the easiest method in my opinion.


put on subs or frequencies and lay down in a starfish position, a picture is at the end of this post. i know this position is uncomfortable but try to get as comfy as possible. make sure no limbs are touching and you have no distractions. next count to 100 while visualising your DR and saying affirmations in between each number.

example: 1, i have shifted 2, i am in my DR/WR 3, i am no longer in my CR ect. ( Remember to say sententences about you already HAD shifted, not that youre going to. Convince your mind that you already shifted ) 

after you have counted to 100 (you can also go to 200 if you want to keep counting) you can do one of two things, open your eyes if you believe you have shifted and your surroundings have changed, or go to sleep. if you choose the go to sleep then you can't move (you can move in your sleep thought because you can't really control that).

NOTE: you should be VERY tired before you try this, i'm talking if you close your eyes for 3 seconds you almost fall asleep. that will greatly help you shift.


get a video of a heartbeat ( link : )  and put it under your pillow.  then lay down in any position (i would recommend laying on your stomach. then close your eyes, relax, and imagine you are laying on a person from your DR's chest. you have you fully visualise it for full effect, what do you smell? what do you feel? what do you hear? don't forget to focus on the heartbeat too. then when you feel ready (or the video has ended) visualise that person asking you 'are you ready to go?' if you are, imagine them leading you to a door, they open it and walk you through it (your DR should be on the other side but before you go through you should see a bright white light). then start affirming to your self things like: i have shifted, i am a master shifter, i am in my DR, it's so easy for me to shift ect. then you should feel like your falling, while you feel like your falling try to sleep and you should wake up in your DR.

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