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Hi guys and welcome back to shifitng 101! Im running out of ideas, and if you guys want some information about a topic then drop a comment, and ill make on <3 so todays chapter is me answering often asked questions.


Is shifting into a different reality dangerous? : 

No it isnt dangerous - but you have all your emotions such as fear, so sometimes something can feel dangerous - but you arent going to die. Its just as " dangerous " at our cr.

Is shifting the same as lucid dreaming?  : 

shifting isnt the same as lucid dreaming at all! the beginning can feel a lot like youre lucid dreaming, but when youre aware of that youre shifting it isnt like a lucid dream - its a lot more intense, realistic and you can feel, touch, have emotions and talk. There had been experiences where people try to shift, but accidently lucid dream - but its just because you are so focused on shifting.

You can do anything you want in your dr : 

Technically, yes you can. But there is also consequenses of your actions - by that i mean that you cant just kill someone because its a " fictive universe ". if you do things that are illegal in your cr, well then you also just get jailed in your dr - and it's not that exciting. so look at it as a reality, and not as something fictional.

What are waiting rooms/wrs? : 

a waiting room (wr for short) is basically a place on the way to your dr. It's a place to script, rest, take a break from shifting, or just a place to hang out in. waiting rooms are also useful to keep track of your drs if you have more than one. you can make your wr whatever you want, may it be a hotel or a 7/11 whatever. if you do decide to make a waiting room you need to script how you get to your dr from there (ex: if you walk through a certain portal you get to hogwarts, or if you drink a pepsi you get to mha).

Can I change what i look like in my dr?

yes you can! you can change anything about your looks, to your hair color, to how long your toenails are. you just have to simply add it to your script, I personally chose to keep my natural look myself.

Do i have to use subliminals?

you do not. they can just speed up the process. i've never listened to subs and i've come very close to shifting.

Is it dangerous / are there any dangers associated with it? 

Nope! It's completely safe. I recommend scripting that you feel minimum amounts of pain/can't die in that reality, and that you can't bring some emotional trauma back with you. Even if you did die in that reality, you'd just be sent back to your current one.

When you shift, do you feel everything

 you experience everything as you would if you actually did it, whether or not you've experienced it yet. Because these realities aren't your imagination, they're real.  it also means that you do not just have to take advantage of the fictional universe, and jump into one away e.g. because yes, you still feel pain.

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