➵ Chapter 21

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Gon and Killua searched for Itsuki everywhere, she was nowhere to be found.

Killua appeared to be calm, but internally, he was distraught. The worst sort of scenarios played in his head. Truthfully, he wouldn't be as worried if Itsuki was a normal human being, but she wasn't, she was a Zalax. He cannot imagine how many people would be after her if her identity was exposed. He replayed the past couple of days in his head, thinking back if Itsuki did anything that had the possibility of revealing her identity, but Itsuki did nothing, she was even more discreet than Killua.

No, she wouldn't have been in a dire position.

Killua thought hard, then where would she be? And why didn't Itsuki tell them where she went? Killua paced around the room, agitated.

Suddenly, the door to his room bursted open, it was Gon.

"Did you find her?!" Killua asked urgently.

"N-no, but someone said a white haired girl came out of Heavens Arena and travelled to the direction of east-" Gon said between pants.

East? That was the direction to their training site.

Killua didn't say anything as he stormed out of the room.

Killua sprinted as fast as his legs would allow him to go, heading towards the direction of east, the resort where Itsuki and Killua trained.

Killua halted, he arrived at the site. He looked in front of him, spotting the familiar Sakura tree. Under the tree was Itsuki, curled into a ball with her face buried in her knees.

Saying Killua was relieved was an understatement. He felt a literal weight being lifted from his chest. Although, this did not change the fact that he was cross with her. "Itsuki! What were you thinking disappearing like that?! Do you have any idea-"

Killua halted as Itsuki lifted her head up, her eyes shimmering, a lingering tear sliding across her cheeks. She quickly wiped her face.

Killua froze on the spot.

"W-what are you doing here? D-didn't I leave a note saying that I won't b-be back till evening?" Itsuki stammered, standing up. She looked at Killua, his expression unreadable.

Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around her, his embrace tight yet gentle. "Idiot... why didn't you tell me?" His tone was soft.

"I-I did, I left a note on my desk..." Itsuki murmured.

"I meant that you were upset. Why didn't you tell me?" His voice was still as gentle as ever.

"I-I'm not..."

Killua sighed, "I want the truth Itsuki." Killua said as he gazed into her round miserable eyes that she opened to the fullest, trying to hide the layer of tears that was dangerously close to falling.

Killua could see that she was holding back her tears. He lightly pressed her head onto his shoulders. And there, Itsuki cried silently.

"I miss mother." Her voice slipped, not meaning to speak out her thoughts. "I miss father." She subconsciously continued.

Her mind was clogged with emotions, clouding her senses. "I don't get it. They are all leaving."

Unconsciously, she tightened her arms around Killua, feeling secure under his touch.

It pained Killua to see her like this.

Only after a few minutes later, her mind seemed to clear. She pulled away from him, realising what she had just said, regretting that she let out her vulnerable side. "Sorry Killua...sorry for making you and Gon worried. "

Killua didn't seem pleased. "You should apologise, but not for that."

Itsuki looked up at him, baffled. "Sorry for disappearing?"

Killua shook his head, exasperated. "Idiot, you should have told us that you were upset, you shouldn't have kept everything to yourself."


"Do you even take us as your friend?" Killua asked her.

"Of course I do!" Itsuki exclaimed.

"Then tell us when you are upset, we don't bite you know. Plus, isn't that what friends are for? Help each other?"

Itsuki slowly nodded. "But... friends are not suppose to make each other worried either." She tried to argue.

"Well you are making us more worried by not saying anything then disappear without a trace." Killua scolded.

"Sorry..." Itsuki murmured, fiddling with the hem of her shirt. "I won't do it again..."

Killua has just barely managed to keep on a straight face. His heart melted at how innocent she was, giving him the urge to protect her at all cost.

Killua patted her head, "I'll let it slide."

The two sat under the Sakura tree, enjoying the ombre of sunset decorated by splashes of vibrancy. The ambience warm and inviting, one that Itsuki deeply enjoyed.

The two were silent, though it was a comfortable silence, it was a time where they spaced off into their own worlds, a time of pure relaxation.

Suddenly, Killua felt something fall onto his legs, it was Itsuki, she was dozing off. Killua smiled at her peaceful expression.

Itsuki was one of the few that intrigued him. He had always thought that Itsuki was merely an innocent, carefree, reckless little kid, but he found himself very wrong, Itsuki hid her true feelings deep inside her, she conceals her sorrow with her liveliness. If it wasn't today, he might have never knew this side of her, the vulnerable side, the side that needs being protected.

It made Killua long to be with her even more, to be there for her, to protect her.

He gazed at Itsuki thoughtfully, "just how would I let you know, that I like you?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

"Maybe not choosing to tell her when she is trying to sleep?" Itsuki opened her eyes, slowly lifting herself up, her face tinted. She gave him the smallest yet most reassuring smile, "I like you too."

They locked gazes. And for a moment, the only sound they could hear were their accelerating heart beats. They don't notice as tinder breezes sweep across, sending petals gliding elegantly through the air, landing between the two. The golden light of rays scattered onto their faces, as if it was a spotlight specially made for them. And as if there was a magnet, Itsuki felt an inexplicable force pulling her. And the next thing she knew, her lips met with his.

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