➵ Chapter 22

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Her lips met with his.

And it was the exact moment their feelings intertwined, confiding to each other. It was a moment of confession, a moment of endearment.

They drowned in a world of their own, so taken away that they didn't realise Zushi standing from a distance with his mouth stretched to the fullest extent.

He stood there like a statue, his expression horrified. "AREN'T YOU SIBLINGS?!" He quickly covered his mouth, cursing himself for speaking his thoughts out loud.

The once peaceful scenario was immediately disturbed as Itsuki jolted from her position, "H-HAH?"

Zushi promptly turned around, wanting to leave. However before he even took a step, Itsuki grabbed hold of his shoulders.

"Hold on. Who said we were siblings?" Itsuki questioned, appearing more intimidating then she intended to.

"N-no one." Zushi said, extremely uncomfortable, and it only worsened when he peered at the very annoyed Killua, who sent a baleful glare at him. "I-I won't tell anyone, I-I promise. I-I won't say a w-word!" Zushi spluttered nervously; he took the glare from Killua as a threat. Though truth is, Killua was just annoyed that their little "session" was interrupted.

Zushi shrunk under Itsuki's unintentional tense grip, feeling the need to explain. "Y-you and Killua had the same surname, so I just assumed..." Zushi replied.

"PFT- Who said we have the same-" And then it hit Itsuki. The piece of memory where she wrote her last name as Zoldyck when she handed in her form as a disguise of her true identity rang in the back of her head. Zushi must have saw her disguised name.

Itsuki deadpanned into empty space. She was in a bad position, a very bad position.

Itsuki averted her eyes to the quivering boy in front her, who made a complicated expression. She couldn't tell if he was scared, uncomfortable or disgusted, possibly all of them.

"Zushi, we are not siblings, I swear. I was just trying to cover up my true surname by writing Killua's surname so that my identity wouldn't be revealed!" Itsuki explained feebly.

Zushi didn't seem the least bit of convinced. And only after she finished speaking, she realised how illogical she sounded... Zushi doesn't know Itsuki was a Zalax! To Zushi, Itsuki was just a average kid, why on earth does a average kid need to cover up their identity?! Of course Zushi didn't believe her. If anything, it made Itsuki look even more suspicious, seemingly trying to cover up their "forbidden" relationship by making up a lame excuse. It really did look like it.

Itsuki inwardly smacked herself. At this point, even telling the truth wouldn't resolve the mess she accidentally created.

Itsuki was starting to lose her cool, trying to think of anything that could prove their innocence, but she couldn't think of anything. Keeping a grip on Zushi, Itsuki spun around to look at Killua, desperate for help, although Killua did not seem the slightest of concern, instead looked rather amused of the attempts Itsuki was pulling off.

Boy, how she wanted to smack that pretty face of Killua's at the given moment.

Seeing that Killua had no intention of helping, Itsuki relied on herself for the solution, working her brain a thousand miles per hour, trying to think of something, anything to convince that they weren't siblings, even if she had to come up with a lie.

In a flash, an idea passed through her mind. Before she even had the time to think through properly if it was appropriate, swift words has already made its way out of her mouth. "Sorry Zushi, I lied, we were actually just roleplaying as siblings, we are not actually siblings." Itsuki spoke in a composed manner.

Her mouth made it before her brain did, and when everything she blurted out has sank in, she completely froze on the spot. What In the name of the Devil did she just say? Now it's not even the misunderstanding of incest that was a problem, she literally just implied that she had an incest fetish.

Now, whatever expression Zushi held before, is now definitely disgust.

Before she could even begin to try and explain, Zushi was long gone, sprinting as fast as his little legs would allow him to go.

Words could not describe how Itsuki felt as she collapsed onto the ground, with Killua roaring with laughter in the background.

After a lot of cooling down for Killua from laughter and Itsuki from embarrassment, they went back to Heavens Arena, where a very worried Gon awaited.

"What were you even thinking?" Killua said between laughs.

"Shut up before I dump you head first into a public toilet." Itsuki snapped.

"Itsuki! Killua!" Gon shouted as he ran towards the two. "Where have you guys been! I've been waiting for you guys the whole day!"

"Sorry Gon, sorry for making you worried, I just really needed to clear my head for a bit..." Itsuki apologised.

Gon nodded his head, accepting her apology. "Oh, by the way, where is Zushi, I sent him to find you two since I had to stay here in case you came back."

Itsuki went red in embarrassment, remembering the ordeal, while Killua began another laughing fit.

"Will. You. Shut. Up. Killua!"

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