➵ Chapter 44

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Buckle up, long chap ahead.

Killua looked like he could murder someone. "Would you like to repeat that Itsuki." It wasn't a question. It was a demand. Itsuki turned paler than she already is, only just realising she slipped up.

"Did you perhaps not hear her?" Kai butted in, grinning triumphantly at Killua's ire. "Would you like me to repeat what she has said?" Kai had almost regretted riling Killua up even more. He could practically feel Killua's desire to crush his skull.

The tension in here is enough to light a fire.

And in that heated moment, nobody noticed the growing population just outside the door. It wasn't noticed until multiple bullets whizzed through the air, aimed at all except for Itsuki. The teens all reacted on reflex and dodged the bullets with ease. They all managed to dodge except for Kurapika, who was still deep asleep, defenceless. Nobody was able to react fast enough to get there. No one but Shitto. She scooped Kurapika up in one swift motion, just before the bullet pierced through his skull.

No one knew when she was awake. But they were all thankful. However no questions could be answered, as the wall was bashed open, revealing rows after rows of fully armed men, all guns pointed at the little group. Immediately, the room is flooded with bullets.

With one punch on the ground Gon broke off a slab of concrete before using it to shield everyone.

A voice could be heard coming from the rows of men. "Remember soldiers! The girl is to be brought back alive!"

And then the situation was clear. The men were here for the bounty on Itsuki's head. They had almost forgotten after the heat of having Itsuki captured by Feitan. Itsuki still had billions on her head. This was a nice little reminder.

Killua gestured for everyone's attention. He got straight to the point. "I made sure that there was a second exit before settling in here and there is a backdoor just behind that wall." He pointed behind them. "Leorio, Shitto and Itsuki, you three protect Kurapika and find a way to get out of here. Me, Gon and Kai will stay and hold them up."

"No thanks, I'm going with Suki." Kai interrupted.

Killua's brows were suddenly pulled together. "The hell you're not." He snapped. "You're staying right here." Killua held a firm grip on Kai, making sure he isn't going anywhere. "And hopefully, you'll take a bullet and die."

Kai glared at him. "Go to hell."

Killua snorts. "I'll make sure you're right behind."

Suddenly, two fists collided with their faces. Itsuki stared at them both angrily. "Shut it both of you. This is not the time."

Killua rolled his eyes. "He is the one who started it."

Kai put his hands up in the air. "I did not."

"It doesn't matter. Just work together for once." Itsuki demanded. "Or I'll make you."

That shutted the both of them up, not wanting to know what method Itsuki was going to use.

And Then the group parted ways.

Itsuki led her group to the back door. They rushed on steadily but quietly, behind them, they could hear the sound of flesh tearing and the loud cries of men. Killua and the others have already begun. They have to hurry to. However, before Itsuki and her group could make it any further, they were surrounded by more men, wearing the same uniform. They were ambushed.

A man with a slightly different uniform stepped forwards. "Surrender. You are surrounded by my men. Give us the girl and the rest of you will be unharmed." He said with authority and confidence. He was treating them like trapped mouse.

 𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗿 (Killua x oc) Where stories live. Discover now