No In Between

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For months now the media knew about me seeing two girls. I was often seen out with both Normani and Dinah but never together because they both have wildly different schedules. People have been speculating for months now about who I'm going to choose in the end of this whole thing like my life is some kind of soap opera. What people don't know or haven't figured out is that I'm dating both of them. We're all in a relationship together and it's been pretty great. So great in fact that I'm ready to come out.

"Woah baby are you sure about this?" Normani asked.

"Yeah wouldn't that upset your mom?" Dinah adds sadly.

I rolled my eyes when she brought up my mom. "Baby I'm an adult. I can do what I want and I want is to come out with you guys." She said. Dinah and Normani smiled for a second before the fell. I furrowed my eyebrows together as I turned around. Coming face to face with my mother I rolled my eyes. "Mom what are you doing here?" I asked.

She glares at me as she clenched her jaw tightly. "I came to tell you that you need to put an end of this game. You need to choose between them and I'm here to tell you to choose Normani." She snaps. "She way more put together and smart than Hansen. She doesn't struggle with normal everyday things like Hansen and she actually bring up your reputation unlike Hansen who brings it down!"

I felt my blood boil as I glare down my mother. "Dinah has a condition that she struggles with everyday but that doesn't stop her from being one of the strongest people I know." I said strongly. "Yeah Dinah's also incredibly smart. I learn something new from her everyday and I'm so fascinated by how she just randomly tells us knew information everyday out of the blue." Normani adds passionately.

My mom glares between us but rolls her eyes. "Fine since you've made your choice then I'm sorry Normani you have to leave." She said. I shook my head as I quickly grabbed Normani's arms. "She's not going anywhere and neither is Dinah. I'm not choosing between them because there is no in between." I said. "I love them both Mom."

A look of horror forms on my mom's face as she looks at me. "Lauren, honey you can't love two people at once. Sooner or later you're going to have to choose between them. You're going to have to let one of them go and I really think it should be Dinah." She says. I looked at her blankly. "Mom, if I break up with Dinah then I break up with Mani because I can't just date one and watch as the other dates the one I'm with." I paused as I looked at her with soft eyes. "It would break my heart to see Normani and Dinah cuddling on the couch watching movies while sharing kisses here and there. It would destroy me to watch them fall more in love together and know I could have had that but fucked it up because I decided to only stay with one. It would hurt too much to see them have what we all could have had." I said. "It would hurt us all if I only broke up with one because our relationship would be broken badly."

My mother looks at me as she shook her head. "Fine break up with both. I don't care. Just stop this game." She snaps harshly. My heart broke at how cruel she was being. "Mom, I don't want to break up with them. I love them and you shouldn't want to take that away from me." I told her. She rolls her eyes. "Lauren you don't love them. You're confused and once you start dating again you'll find someone so perfect that you won't need another person," She said. "You're just confused honey."

I was absolutely furious with her right now. "I'm a lot of things but confused about my relationship with them is not one of them. I knew from the minute I saw them both that I was in love because my heart has never beat so fast for two people at once," I smiled softly as I looked at them. "They make me happy because we understand each other. We all have a bond that nobody gets and I love that because I can be myself around them without worrying about them judging me." I paused as I looked back at my mother. "When I told them about my past with drugs and how I completely spiraled a few years back they are the only people who didn't look at me differently after I told them. They looked at me with nothing but love and care, and told me that they'd be there for me if things ever got bad again. They're two of the main reasons why I'm still clear if I'm being honest." I blurted out. "So no mom I'm not confused. I know who I love and I love them."

Looking between the three of us my mom shook her head in disappointment. "Honey you might think that you love both now but eventually you'll realize that you love more than the other and you'll realize that you wasted time spending it with them when you could have spent it with the one you love." She says. "You're going to regret this."

After my mom left I felt pretty down about the fact that she will never accept my relationship with Dinah and Normani. Unfortunately I'm really not surprised because I know she'll never accept it.

"Baby are you ok?" Dinah asked gently.

"Yeah would you like to talk about it?" Normani questions.

I smiled as I hugged them both. "No I'm fine. I do, however would like to come out." I said. Normani and Dinah smiled as they looked at me. "Then let's do this!" They said excitedly. I smiled at them before pulling out my phone and going straight to Instagram live. Smiling at the camera I quickly said hi to fans before speaking. "So I know you have all seen me out with these two beautiful girls recently and I wanted to tell you why." I said as I smiled at them. "I know you guys are wondering who I'm with and I'm here to tell you that I'm with both. We're all dating."

The minute I said that nothing but positive comments came flooding in. We were met with nothing but support and that was amazing. The fans accepted our relationship and that made me so happy.

Kissing my cheek softly Dinah and Normani said by to the fans as I turned off the camera. "So how do you feel?" Normani asked. "Yeah do you feel good?" Dinah wonders. I kissed them softly before pulling them in for a hug. "I feel incredible."

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