A Christmas Reunion

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When Lauren decided to leave Fifth Harmony unexpectedly she never thought about how drastically her life would change. She knew back then that she was making a huge decision by leaving without telling the girls but she knew that it was something that she needed to do for herself. She had to leave and that's exactly what she did.

Fast forward three years later and the girls wanted to meet up with her and to be perfectly honest she didn't know if she wanted to meet up with them. There were so many things left unsaid and broken that she wasn't sure if she could fix them in just one day.

Walking into the hotel Lauren wore a blank look on her face as she walked towards the three girls she used to call her best friends. "Hey Lauren. How are you?" Dinah asked as she took a stepped towards her but Lauren quickly stepped back. "I'm good." Her voice held no emotion as she spoke.

Feeling hurt by the girl's actions Dinah just shook her head. "This was a bad idea. I thought seeing you again would be a good thing but honestly it's just brought back all the hurt I felt when you left." She mumbled. "See you around Jauregui."

Lauren just shrugged "well ok then." She said. "Are we just going to stand here or are we going out?" Normani and Ally just looked at her but agreed to go out to lunch with the girl. This should be interesting.

Sitting across from the both Ally and Normani noticed that Lauren wouldn't make eye contact with them, she kept her sunglasses on and she was focused on her phone. Something was going on. "Lauren do you think maybe you could pay attention to us. We would like to catch up and talk to you." Normani said.

Lauren quickly shook her head. "I can't I'm waiting for Lucy to text me because she made dinner reservations after this and I can not be late meeting her." She said. Normani raised her eyebrow at the way Lauren said that. There was a slightly scared tone in her voice and that really concerned her. Now she was worried.

After their extremely short lunch Lauren quickly left without so much as a goodbye so that she could meet up with Lucy on time. With her purse clutched tightly in her hand she quickly run into the restaurant and towards the table Lucy was sitting at. "I really hope I'm not late. I tired to leave as fast as I could but you know the girls-"

"I really don't care," Lucy quickly cut her off. "Just sit the fuck down and let's get this date over with because I have a girl to meet later." She says coldly, with a smirk etched on her face.

Lauren frowned "Lucy maybe you could stay here with me. I mean it is two days before Christmas and I would really love to spend time with you." She said. Lucy rolled her eyes "Lauren we both know that I'm only with you because you can buy me things. I don't love you. I never will." She said.

Lauren knew that she shouldn't be in this toxic relationship but Lucy is really the only one she has right now since no one in her family talks to her anymore. So even if Lucy didn't love her she was determined to love Lucy harder, even if it hurts her in the end.


Dinah had no idea what was up with Lauren and why she was acting so cold but she was determined to find out. Arriving at Lauren's hotel room she knocked twice before waiting for the girl to answer the door.

It took a whole five minutes before Lauren answered the door. "What do you want Dinah Jane?" She asked coldly. Dinah scuffs "I want to know what your problem is. Lauren I've known you for years before you up and just left us and I just thought that maybe when I saw you again we would pick up where we left off but you've become so cold towards me and I have no idea why." She said defeatedly. "What happened Lauren?"

Lauren could feel her heart breaking at the girl's big brown tearful eyes. It was sad but she couldn't let Dinah know that. "Dinah I really don't know what you want me to say. We've grown apart." She said. Dinah just shook her head and looked at her with such disappointment in her eyes but before she could speak someone she thought she would never see again showed up. "Lucy what are you doing?" She asked.

Lucy smirked "I'm with my girlfriend. We've decided to work it out." She said. Now Dinah was pissed. "After everything this girl has put you through you decide to get back with her! Are you kidding me Lauren?" She cried. "You deserve better than this."

Lauren knew Dinah was right but she just couldn't let Lucy go because she was the only one she had right now. "Dinah I'm not going to apologize for being in love with Lucy. I'm sorry but you're just going to have to move on and let me go. I did." With that being said she closed the door without another word.

"See doesn't getting rid of them feel good? Now it's just us." Lucy said.

Lauren shook her head as tears ran down her face but didn't say anything because she knew better then to question anything Lucy said, but that didn't mean that loosing the people she cared for the most didn't hurt because it hurt like fuck!


Lauren had no memory of what happened to lead her to the hospital but she had a pretty good idea what it was and it hurt to think that someone she loves so much would hurt her this bad, but maybe this is what she deserves.

Normani's whole body was shaking as she tried to wash the blood off of her hands. The tears ran down her face at a rapid speed as her mind flashed back to what she saw. That memory is going to be engraved in her brain forever and that's something she'll always have nightmares of.

"Babe are you ok?" Dinah asked.

Normani said nothing as she wrapped her arms around the taller girl's neck and cried her eyes out. Seeing Lauren so bloody and bruised tore her up inside. It broke her heart in a way she never thought was even possible. She hated seeing Lauren like that and she didn't want to see that ever again. They needed to do something.

Lauren was laying in bed blinking her eyes as she tried to get the vision in her right eye back but it didn't work. Her vision was completely gone. Looking down at her broken arm just made her cry even more because she didn't understand what triggered Lucy so badly to have hurt her like this. It didn't make sense.

"You know you can't go back to her, right Lauren."

Lauren looked up and frowned when she saw Dinah. "I wasn't expecting to see you here. I just figured that after our talk you wouldn't care what happens to me." She mutters sadly. Dinah sighed "as much as I don't want to I still love you Lauren and it breaks my fucking heart to see you like this. You don't deserve this Lo." She said.

With teary eyes Lauren looked up at her. "But Lucy is the only one I have right now. My family left me and I lost you guys so she's really all I have and I just can't lose her too or I'll have no one." She cried.

"That's not true Lauren. You'll always have us." Normani chimes in.

Lauren blinks twice. "But I hurt you. I left without saying anything and I got back with - how can you still care?" Normani and Dinah smiled at her as they laid down beside her. "Because we love you Lo and we always will." They said.

Looking at both girls and seeing nothing but love and adoration in both of their eyes made Lauren's heart flutter with nothing but love and happiness. Maybe this reunion was the right thing to do.

A/N: one I want to start off by saying Marry Christmas and two I would like to say that there will be a part two out on the thirty first. So I hope you enjoyed this.

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