A Game Plan

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For weeks Dinah and Normani have been avoiding talking about prom with Lauren because they had a plan for asking her out and they wanted it to be a surprise. They didn't want her to know that they had anything planned so they avoid the topic all together.

"So are you guys ever going to talk about prom?" Lauren asked.

Both Dinah and Normani's eyes grew wide. "Uh we have to go." Normani said. "Yeah we have to turn our chemistry assignment in." Dinah added. Kissing Lauren's cheek both girls ran off to class leaving behind a frowning Lauren. She didn't why they didn't want to talk about prom. It didn't make sense to her. None at all if she's being honest.

Sitting at lunch her girlfriends were no where to be found and she was annoyed because they never miss having lunch with her since they didn't share any classes together. So she was pretty annoyed right now.

"Hey Lauren."

Lauren rolled her eyes when she heard the voice. "What do you want Camila?" She asked, her voice holding a hostile tone to it. Camila smiles "I just wanted to tell you that Norminah said that they're not going to prom." She says. Lauren frowns as she slowly began realizing that may have been why they avoided the topic of prom all together, but being the person Camila was she wasn't going to believe her. "No they didn't." She scuffs.

Camila smirks "yeah they did. I over heard them talking to Zendaya about not going." She said smugly. Lauren just sighed and shook her head because as much as she didn't want to admit it she kind of believed the girl. "So Jauregui would you like to go to prom with me?" Camila asked. Lauren bit her lip nervously as she thought for a second. Should she?


Ever since lunch rumors of Camila taking Lauren to prom were circling and Norminah were not happy...but before they jumped to conclusions and yelled at their girlfriend they decided to talk to speed up the plan and ask her to prom. Hopefully she says yes.

Lauren was confused and didn't understand why she was being led to the gym. "Guys what's going on?" She asked impatiently. Ally and Kehlani rolled their eyes. "You'll see Lo." Ally says. "Yeah calm down." Kehlani adds. Lauren huffed but kept her mouth shut.

Arriving at the gym Lauren was given a rose with the word will on it. Ok she was confused but before she could ask any questions she was given another with the word you on it. The next rose has the word go on it. Walking further down the isle of students the last rose given to her had the word to on it. Lauren was confused and frustrated now. "Will I go to where!?" She asked frustratedly.

"Prom with us."

Locking eyes with Dinah and Normani, Lauren saw both of them hold roses and wearing bright smiles. Without saying anything she ran towards them and hugged both of them. "Of course I'll go to prom with you guy." She agreed. Normani and Dinah smiled before pulling her in for kiss. She said yes!

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