Mudblood? Is that all you can come up?

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you walked over to the table with green and silver. you sat next to a boy with white hair and a nasty scowl on his face when he saw you.
"who do you think you are!?" a shrill voice came from the front of you.
you looked up from your plate and that was full of food.
"y/n motherfuckin l/n bitch, and you are? " you were hungry and this chick was stopping you from eating.
"Pansy Parkinson"
the whole table was shocked at your choice of words; mix your accent and they were gawking at you.
"ooo an you must be as stupid as that idiot professor from last year."
everyone laughed at that, but you were was that supposed to hurt your feelings.
"was that supposed to hurt my feelings or something?"
"she's probably some mudblood." Pansy's shrill voice said.
you look at her with an unimpressive look.
"really...mudblood? is that the best you can do? i was in the american school system for nine years; nothing you do or say can hurt me."
everyone was shocked, how were you not affected by what she said.
"but what i can do will make you so insecure you won't be able to leave your room, or sleep without crying. now it's my first day here and i am quite hungry and if you don't mind i would like to eat my meal in peace."
that statement left them all speechless ad they all watched you eat like you have been starved.
~skip to after dinner~
eating always made you sleepy so when you were walking to your common room you were half asleep.
"everyone listen closely i will only tell you the password once and only once, understood?"
everyone made some noise of agreement and the prefect nodded.
"alright boys on the left girls on the right no boys in the girls dorms and vice versa"
you immediately started walking to your dorm and started searching for your name.
once you had found it you walked in and immediately was jumped by your pet. everyone had either an owl, a cat or a toad. but you were different you didn't like either of those choices so you brought your dog, bean.
"alright bean down off dear lord you are getting a bit to big for that."
despite his name bean was not small at all he was a Newfoundland for pete's sake.
the teachers all had doubts about you bringing him, but Dumbledore thought it would be exciting and a nice change if someone had a totally different pet. you were also able to convince them to let you take him to classes with you.
he was trained and everything so you knew he would be alright around others.
Once you got him to calm down you unpacked your stuff changed your clothes and laid down to sleep.
you had one last thought before slipping into sweet unconsciousness.
'fuck...i have class tomorrow'

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