The Explanation and Draco's "near death experience"

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don't play yet i will tell you when with an 🔊

the twins had immediately noticed your missing presence at lunch. they looked over at the slytherin table to try and catch a glimpse of you; but you weren't there. so they moved on to the next best thing, the "golden" trio.
"have any of you seen our princess?" George had asked appearing behind Ron. Harry looked up at them in confusion, "your princess?" emphasizing the word princess.
"they're talking about me, Harry" you said behind the twins. the two turned around wrapping their arms around you. you rolled your eyes at the way they immediately attached themselves to you.
"boys i'm hungry you gotta let me go so i can eat." they both pouted letting go so you can sit. you slightly nudge Ron to the side, so you can sit directly in front of Harry.
"ok so i promised you an explanation right? but you can't tell anyone what i am about to tell you do you understand." you gave Harry what you like to call 'the mom look'. by the reactions of the Weasley boys and Hermione they have all experienced said look.
"ok don't tell anyone, i understand" Harry responded.
you leaned your face in a bit, "i went inside the forbidden forest." you whispered. everyone had a different reaction. the twins looked impressed while the others looked totally appalled at the idea.
"are you bloody mad? why would you ever go in there? is that why you came to class all scratched up?" Harry was bombarding you with questions. sighing you held up a hand to stop him from talking.
"ok you should have known the moment you met me i was 'bloody mad'. i didn't willingly go in there Bean had just ran off and yes all the trees and stuff gave me all my scratches." after answering all their questions you started piling food on you plate. once you were satisfied with the amount you began to eat. you had changed your clothes after waking up in the infirmary.
while you were eating you felt someone (more like somethree) looking at you. turning your head to the side, you saw Ron, Harry and Hermione staring.
you raised an eyebrow at them. Ron was the first to say anything, "i've never met anyone who could eat as much a me." Harry had followed up on that statement, "where does it all go" as if on autopilot you answered Harry.
"my tits, ass, thighs and tummy" the boys who were in the vicinity blushes at your choice of words. Hermione, who also blushed, smacked your head with a copy of The Daily Profit.
"ow what the fuck, the hell did you hit me for" you rubbed the top of your head glaring at her.
"for that atrocious choice of wording, didn't your mother teach you any manners" she scolded.
you immediately tensed at her words. your family has always been a sensitive topic. with your best friends dead, a mom who left and an alcoholic as a father with a bitch stepmom; who would want to talk about it.
Harry, who had learned when to stop talking while living with the Dursley's, nudged her while shaking his head for her to stop talking.
"well are you going to answer me or keep quiet." she pushed.
"leave her be, Mione" Ron tried stopping her, but she didn't listen.
"answer me!" she exclaimed smacking her hand on the table.
you had flinched at the action, the twins had went to your side squishing you in between them.
"that's enough, Granger. we'll be taking our leave now." Fred intervened wrapping an arm around your waist he walked out with you and Lee.
George had stayed behind to give Hermione a piece of his mind.
"you need to learn where you stand in life Granger. you can't always know everything you pushed it too far this time. she was clearly bothered by the topic you should have dropped it." for the first time for all of them George gave a deadly glare; walking to where you and Fred stood. wrapping his arm around your waist from the other side.
~time skip~
it was time for care of magical animals. you were the first there so taking some time you were exploring; and exploring  meant you were seeing how high you could climb the nearest tree. by the time everyone else got there you were on a sturdy limb. nobody had noticed you and the only one who knew you were up there was Hagrid; whom you asked not to give away your hiding spot.
while everyone was struggling with their books you heard a snobbish voice speak up. you turned to see who it was and unsurprisingly it was Draco Malfoy.
you haven't personally met him. the only interaction you had was at the first feast.
but just by watching the way he acts to others said a lot about his character.
Hagrid was about to start the lesson when he called out to you.
"ah y/n come out the tree now."
everyone looked around they had no idea there was another student with them.
soon after he said that they heard an voice start talking.
'all around the sta-actus plant, the stalker chased the bandit, the stalker thought twas all in fun POP!'
you fell forward to hang upside down
'goes the bandit'
you had then started laughing so hard, you had rolled your eyes back.
"alright that's enough out of ya" Hagrid scolded.
you flipped of the tree and back to the ground.
"now everyone say hi to Buckbeak..." everyone stared in awe, you being one of them. you pushed your way to the front and stood right next to Harry.
"hippogriff are very prideful creatures so be careful of what ya say; now who wants to pet him?" everyone except you and Harry took a step back.
"ah Harry, y/n good now get on in here... watch your step; now what you need to do is bow real deep and if he bows back you are ok, if he doesn't well we'll deal with."
you had immediately bowed down in front of Buckbeak and it seemed like almost immediately he also bowed back to you. Hagrid motioned for you to walk up and pet him. slowly you placed you hands on Buckbeak's head and started petting him as if you would pet Bean or Grey.
Harry had also went into a bow but was blinking too much. that made Buckbeak antsy and he started to get riled up. you had put your hands on his neck to calm him. Hagrid had told Harry to stop blinking so much you moved so Buckbeak can see Harry. Buckbeak hesitated before bowing back, you walked towards Harry and Buckbeak; Harry was looking at Buckbeak with amazement.
"now let's see if he will let you ride him." Hagrid picked you up by your waist first then he picked up Harry and put him behind you.
with a tap on the rear from Hagrid Buckbeak flew off. out of fear, Harry grabbed onto your waist; you on the other were having the absolute time of your life.
"WOHOOO" you had screamed out putting your arms out. you grabbed Harry's hand and spread his arms out.
Harry had also let out a scream of excitement making you giggle.
hearing a whistle Buckbeak had turned around; soon enough you were back with the rest of the class.
Hagrid helped you both off and you both went to back to your friends. in your peripheral vision you saw Draco stomping up to Buckbeak.
"i bet you aren't dangerous at all, are you, you big ugly brute."
Buckbeak didn't like that at all. he raised on his hind legs swiping his talons towards Draco.
you had immediately jumped over the fence and got in front of him.
"shh hey it's alright, your okay. he was being an asshole huh? don't worry i'll deal with him ok?"
he had started to calm down and backed up.
"good boy~ see it's alright"
while Hagrid had gotten Buckbeak back in his harness you turned to Draco, who was withering on the floor.
"it's killed meh, it's killed meh"
you looked at him with a neutral expression and nudged him with your foot.
"your fine dipshit, get up"
Draco glared at you as Hagrid came and helped him up.
"my father will hear about this"
you sighed, "yes, yes, daddy dearest has to come save the day; we get it"
you walked over to where you had placed your robes; slipping it on you started walking towards the school.
"i don't know about you guys but i'm taking that as my signal to leave, so see ya losers"
after changing clothes and filling you bag with food and dog soap; you headed towards the forest. you had waited all day to go visit Grey. you knew Bean was keeping him company but you knew that wouldn't be enough.
once in front of the forest you took you shoes off. last time you realized it was easier to run without shoes. looking around making sure no one saw you; you ran in, enjoying the rush that came with it.
as if on autopilot you made turns and had gotten there fairly quickly. stepping into the clearing you called out for your pets.
"Grey~Bean~ i'm here boys."
from the line of trees you heard elated barks and out came Grey with Bean following. the scene made you smile, you were happy they were ok with each other. normally any male dog around you made Bean very territorial and protective of you.
placing two bowls down you had filled them with meats of all kind. the two immediately started eating it. you took this time to observe Grey, he was still incredibly skinny but he seemed happy.
after taking out their food you took out some of your own. after eating you grabbed out a collar.
"Grey come here boy, i got something else for ya." Grey had immediately walked over and sat down in front of you.
reaching around his neck you clipped the red collar on him. on the it were tags, one with your name and the other with his engraved in them.
you stood up once again reached in your bag. this time you pulled out dog brushes and flea-killing soap. rolling up your sleeves you grabbed you wand and pointed it at Grey.
"aguamenti" water had started pouring out on him. with just the water you saw a couple fleas get washed away.
poor thing must have been infested with them. putting your wand back in your pocket you grabbed the soap and started scrubbing him. along with your hands, you used the brush to make his fur softer.
once you deemed him flea free you rinsed him off and brushed him again to help with drying his fur.
once done with everything you had sat back against a tree. patting your leg for the two dogs to come over you stretched out your legs.
"dear fuck, you would not believe what happened earlier..." you had started explaining what events happened from your breakdown in Professor Lupin's class to the whole ordeal with Malfoy and Buckbeak.
"you know...when the professor was comforting me, i wondered if that's what it felt like to have a father's comfort." you had subconsciously started to pet both dogs; both who were using your lap as a pillow.
Grey had cocked his head to the side slightly; now even though in his animagas form he still had the mind of Sirius Black.
so hearing you say that you felt a fatherly love from Remus slightly hurt him. he was jealous, Remus experienced something he dreamed about; giving comfort to your daughter. he had wanted to experience that with Remus since they got together as teenagers.
pushing his own thoughts away Sirius was gonna give you comfort in the only way he can right now, as Grey. you had continued to rant about your days and how different things were here versus how they were in america. looking at the time you noticed it was time for dinner.
"well i gotta go now bud, i'll come back don't worry" you stood up and picked up everything.
"come on Bean we gotta go" you called out. walking out you looked back at Grey and waved at him.
once fully out of sight Sirius changed back. with a sad smile, he waved back.
"goodbye darling" he whispered out

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