01: Night-time Escapades

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The picture above is technically what inspired me to make this...

And anyways... get ready for extremely trashy writing! :)


Minerva Mcgonagall, headmistress of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, was a woman who treated all her students like her own children. Houses, be damned. Although, she always had one specific boy closer to her heart than she had others. That boy was Harry Potter.

She reckoned it was because he was the child of one of her smartest students, Lily Potter and one of her most mischievous students, James Potter, along with his two friends Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, who were held close to her heart. Or, she wondered, if it was the fact that he was abused as a child or the war he survived, the reason he was held close to her heart. If it were up to her the boy would not had had a childhood so traumatising. But that wasn't up to her was it? Destiny had other plans for the boy.

So, when Minerva overlooked the Great Hall in her place at the staff table, she grew worried as she saw no Harry Potter sitting next to his friends and eating dinner.

She was, and rightfully so, worried like a mother when her child goes missing and highly annoyed; because Harry Potter was on one of his nightly adventures.

She sighed and turned her head away from the Gryffindor table to look at the Slytherin one. It seems, that one Draco Malfoy was not with his friends either.

Her worry decreased a tad bit, but not completely. For, she knew, that wherever they were, Draco Malfoy would keep Harry Potter safe at all costs.

When Hogwarts first started after the war, the seventh years were called back for another year as they didn't really have a school year the year before. She saw the empty spaces in the house tables as many that were previously present, had either passed away or was pulled out of Hogwarts to a different magical school.

She had kept an eye on all her students. As she did so, she noticed that one; Harry Potter doesn't eat at all, and two; Draco Malfoy was picked on or was isolated.

She noted that most of the people that picked on Draco were from Gryffindor, and that he was left out by the whole of Slytherin house, had dark circles under his eyes and that fell asleep during some classes. Nightmares, she guessed.

He wasn't the only one being observed though. Harry's health, both mental and physical, didn't seem to be any better. He barely ate anything, he would appear in his classes eyes red rimmed, bags under them and doze of in between lessons. And the mysterious bruises that he'd been getting, with closer observation, seemed to be coming from a petty Gryffindor whose brother died in war and was seemingly blaming it on Harry.

She really needed to have a talk to the school about bullying, especially her own house. She had thought that they would at least try to be more civil. Guess she was wrong.

So, her being the person she is, asked both boys to come in and talk with her. She had asked them to try and get along, and, to make sure that both boys would do so, asked Draco to tutor Harry in potions. Of course this didn't go without an argument. Both boys had simultaneously objected but after a stern glance and a lecture from herself, they, albeit grudgingly, obliged.

Before they had left, she had asked Draco to stay back. After Harry had left, she told him to make sure he, Harry, ate even a little at their tutoring sessions.

Since then both boys have been inseparable. She reckoned something interesting happened during one of their sessions.

Her worry had only increased immensely while she reminisced. It was three quarters into dinner, where were they?!

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