05: Ronald Weasley Isn't Always Dense

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^ That's a little edit thing I did. I was planning on putting one on every chapter from today onwards.

I kinda wanted to do this chapter as an appreciation for Ron. He's very underappreciated. He's also one of my favourite characters in the series. ( of course Luna, Neville and Remus are still at the top.)

This is also one of my longest chapters yet. Ngl I'm kinda proud of that.


It had started off to be a perfectly normal year for Ronald Weasley. Harry wasn't trying to accidentally get himself killed, Hermione was being her usual self and nothing unusual was going on with Harry either. Until something unusual start happening with Harry, that is.


His day started off as usual.

He was sleeping peacefully, dreaming about everything and nothing all at once. He especially loved when his dreams consisted of a buffet, quidditch and his friends, more so Hermione than Harry. Not that he didn't like Harry, he did. He was his best mate after all. But sometimes he preferred it when Hermione appeared. He liked thinking of small scenarios with her.

Him and Hermione dancing gracefully during a ball. Of course he was wearing dress robes that actually looked somewhat pleasant in these. And Hermione looked as beautiful as she always did.

Him and Hermione studying in the library, alone, without Harry. Contrary to popular belief, he actually liked being in the library, not for the books of course. He just liked to watch Hermione while she studied. It was fun to watch all the emotions that passed by her face when she studied. She was always so focused.

Some people might say that he liked Hermione for her looks, but that was only partly true. He liked her because she was smart, funny and kind. While her talk of S.P.E.W. got a little out of hand at times, he actually liked seeing her so passionate about something other than studying. He also liked that she was strong and could beat more than half the people in her year, and probably older, in duels.

Hermione was thoughtful too. She always put his and Harry's feelings first to most things, the only exception being studies and her own feelings, but even then she rarely thought about it.

It was during these thoughts, was he woken up by Seamus throwing a football at him. Sometimes he really hated Seamus. Especially when he wakes him up when he's having good dreams.

It was only after he used the bathroom and changed into his school uniform did he realise that he forgot to wake Harry up.

He quickly rushed over to Harry's bed, yanked open the hangings and woke him up by yelling into his ear. Harry sat upright in bed with a start, accidentally hitting Ron in the nose with his head by doing so. Ron, while holding his nose, thought that this was karma for waking him up like that.

“You didn't have to bloody yell,” Harry groaned, rubbing the part of his head that he hit Ron in the nose with, with his hand.

“You wouldn't wake up, and we were going to get late,” the redhead lied. He hadn't tried anything else beforehand but Harry didn't need to know that.

“Shit! Why didn't you wake me up earlier!” Harry was now searching through his trunk for his school robes, frantically throwing things out and putting things back in. He went to look under his bed for his gryffindor tie before Ron noticed the multiple bruises on his neck.

What were those bruises doing on Harry's neck? It hadn't been there before they went to bed surely, so where had they come from? Could he have somehow hurt himself in his sleep? But Harry never moves around in his sleep. Not even if he, miraculously, slept like the dead.

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