04: "You're back!"

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I'm actually surprised I updated this so early. Normally it would take at least two weeks.

Also this is a Blind Harry AU.

Not everything may be accurate, but I tried my best.


Time went by slowly when he was alone. It was an odd thing, time. When you were anticipating something, it goes by slower than any snail could crawl. Yet when you were enjoying yourselves or spending time with friends, it seemed to go by faster than a lightning strike.

To Harry, waiting was not something he liked. Especially when he had nothing to do alone. He couldn't see. All he saw when he opened his eyes was just as same as when his eyes were closed. Sometimes, he envied those who could see all the pretty sights he could only hope to see.

He remembered a time when he could see as clear as day. Well, not that clearly. Everything had been a blur back then. Glasses had been necessary back then, but now with or without his glasses all he saw was nothing. Just an abyss of darkness that made him feel helpless and alone, from the moment he woke up until the minute he fell asleep. His dreams were the only things in which he saw real places now.

He was grateful that he still had his eyesight when he and his husband got married. The happiness expressed on Draco's face that day was something he cherished greatly.

It had only been a few months into their marriage when he had lost his sight. A backfired auror mission was the cause of his permanent blindness. No muggle or magical cure could work.

When they had found out he had been hit by a curse that made him permanently blind, they had been devastated, Harry more so than Draco. Draco would tell Harry that he still and always will love him whenever he felt pathetic about himself. He would sit on their bed with Harry held tightly in his arms and tell him that he loved him. He would always whisper comforting words and make him laugh afterwards.

What his husband did, made him feel safe and loved. It slowly, but surely, made him comfortable enough with himself.
Most of his friends had thought that Draco would have left him or treated him differently due to his blindness, but they were all proven wrong when they saw them, still happily married and in love.

Draco did treat him differently, that was expected, but not in a bad way. He still brought him tea in bed whenever he was having a bad day, he would still read a bedtime story to both him and Teddy every night before bed and he would still make a jab at how messy his hair was. That was all normal things. But now, Draco seemed a bit more... caring? Affectionate? Harry didn't really know what it was, but he found that he didn't mind it.

Despite the fact that he couldn't see, he felt relatively normal. The only thing that bothered him was that he couldn't see his husband's (of course he still missed seeing the faces of his friends and family) face from the minute he wakes up, to the moment they shut their eyes.

He loved seeing the way that Draco's mercury eyes seemed to melt and glimmer whenever he saw Harry, or how they seemed to turn a bit more steely when he was displeased or angry. The way he would arch his left eyebrow whenever he was confused or silently gestured something suggestive at Harry. How he seemed to try and hide a smile whenever Molly gave him a Weasley Sweater for Christmas.

Harry loved everything about Draco, from his mischievous personality to his charming looks. He dearly missed when he could see all of Draco's features.

Now, the only way he could recognise Draco and his friends were by their voices, the way they smelt or how different they each felt under his fingertips.

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