~ 1 - Signal ~

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Unbeknownst to many, within the forest located in the surrounding area of the city, there could be found a pair of humanoids dressed within an antique style of dressing. These humanoids were YoRHa androids, the top of the line androids whom fight for the sake of humanity. Their patrol for today was considerably slow and relatively peaceful as compared to prior patrols, due to a notable lack of Machines in the area, but it had allowed the pair a much needed break from the constant fighting.

YoRHa No.2 Type B, otherwise known as 2B, was of the Battle designation spending her free time fishing in the river, and YoRHa No.9 Type S, otherwise known as 9S, or 'Nines' as he preferred to be called, was the ever curious android as expected from the Scanner model, spent his time reviewing notes.

It was a blissful moment of reprieve for the both of them, until a call came from the Bunker. Their Pods, being the helpful assistants, rung to indicate an incoming call.

"Operator 6O here to 2B! This is your regularly scheduled contact!" Operator 6O was 2B's outgoing assigned Operator, Operators were the designation of YoRHa androids assigned to YoRHa units on field surveillance, providing intel and allowing direct contact with the Bunker, and both 2B and 9S were no exception.

"2B here, nothing noteworthy to report."

"Nothing for you to report?" 6O asked, her expression showing slight confusion at the statement.

"Yes, there's been no sightings of Machines over here."

"Hm... that's weird."

"What's wrong Operator?" 2B asked, it was rare for her Operator to be confused about any type of topic, rarely was she ever concerned of the little details while they chatted.

"You just said you haven't seen any Machines, but here we've been detecting some strange movements from the Machines."

"Strange movements from the Machines?" 2B asked in wonder, scanning her environments to check for signs of Machine lifeforms, only to still find none.

"Yep! There's been a sudden congregation of Machines near the city ruins which has caught the Bunker's attention. You are to investigate it."

"All in the city ruins? That explains the lack of Machines here."

"But there's another thing too! We've picked up a signal from a black box quickly approaching the location after the sudden Machine congregation."

"Wait, so you're saying there was a reason why the Machines were gathering, and it was not an android?"

"Now do you see why Command's so interested?"

2B held her chin in thought, now understanding the reason for the Bunker's interest, however she wanted to fish some more. "Are there any other personnel within the area? Maybe they can deal with it?"

"Unfortunately, the three assigned to the city ruins are preoccupied! And that makes you the only one available at the moment. Good luck 2B!" Operator 6O shouted, cutting off the call afterwards.

2B sighed, slightly disappointed that her break had to be cut short. "9S."

"Yeah, was just given the same mission from Command. We should be able to arrive in ten minutes if we leave now."

Immediately, the two sprinted straight towards the location of the Machine congregation.


Once the YoRHa pair arrived at the location where the congregation was said to have occurred, at the large pothole which were once roads, having collapsed due to lack of maintenance, they were met with a harrowing sight. The large pothole within the city ruins had been filled with a corpse pile of Machines, which was definitely not here the last time the pair had patrolled in the City, the bodies having near completely covering the concrete debris due to the sheer number.

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