~ 3 - Deserters ~

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With the discovery of the campsite, and with little options or clues left of the human's whereabouts, the trail left behind by the human having now gone mostly cold, with only the campfire and the sliced tree branches serving as minor hints in the human possibly having a companion, but nothing concrete to warrant further search asides from hunches. The YoRHa pair had little choices but to report in their current progress to the Bunker.

"This is 2B, come in Operator." 2B called her Operator.

"Operator 6O here!" Operator 6O responded with her holographic projection. "Are you here to report your status 2B?"

2B nodded. "Unfortunately Operator, we've lost track of the human."

"Did you try to track them?" Operator 6O asked with curiosity, eliciting a nod from her assigned agent. "What did you find?"

"We've found the human's handiwork and some potential clues to his situation, but not much else." 2B responded, ordering her Pod to take a photograph of the campfire and the skinned boar.

"Woah! I guess this human has quite the appetite!" Operator 6O responded in surprise after glancing at the sent photo of the skinned boar.

"We believe the human may be preparing to travel." 2B clarified. "Unfortunately, there's nothing else we can use to find their location, we were hoping the Bunker would have some intel on where we should go."

"Mmm..." Operator 6O begun skimming through reports from her end. "Unfortunately there's nothing I can see over here 2B!"


"Yep! Oh by the way 2B!" Operator 6O dramatically shouted. "The Commander's asking you to do a mission."

"Now?" 2B asked with a raised eyebrow hidden behind her visor, a somewhat confused tone within her voice. "Shouldn't finding the human be our top priority?"

"The Commander's real worried it might~ compromise finding that human! Check your inbox for the mission details! Operator out!"

Operator 6O quickly cut off communications before 2B could respond.

2B and 9S could only glance at each other in slight confusion, the latter shrugging to his partner after having a similar conversation with his Operator.

For now, better check on the mission details Operator 6O mentioned. The closest vending machine, which doubled as the mailbox used by YoRHa operatives, from their current location at the human's resting spot was within Pascal's village.


Operator 6O: Confidential Mission Details

Your new mission is to capture renegade YoRHa members. Not only did these members go AWOL, but we have confirmed they engaged in unlawful conduct, including the theft of Resistance resources.

They are to be taken into custody as soon as possible.

- Operator 6O

*Note that this is a direct order from the Commander. Forwarding it is forbidden.

After skimming through the mission details, another transmission call from Operator 6O was received.

"Operator 6O to 2B." Operator 6O begun. "Be aware the following transmission is classified Privilege Level 5. A group of YoRHa fighters deployed to the city ruins have deserted. We need you to take care of them immediately. But don't get yourself hurt, all right?"

"Wait Operator. I must ask." 2B said before Operator 6O disconnected the intermission.

"Yes 2B?" Operator 6O responded. "What is it?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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