~ 2 - Necessity ~

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An unfamiliar sound, in the form of a grumble, had echoed throughout the city ruins as the Hunter and A2 made their trek, immediately placing the duo upon high alert of any potential dangers lurking by to ambush them. However, there was no source of danger upon them. Understandably, the pair were confused in the lacking adversaries.

Once the sound had echoed again, only then did the Hunter realise the grumbling noise came from his own stomach. He could not help but to chuckle silently to himself, it had been so long (relatively for him) since he had heard this sound, that it had become unfamiliar to him. He supposed the earlier skirmish with the countless adversaries had worked up an appetite in him.

The Dream had always maintained and sustained the Hunter's needs for him to maintain his peak, resulting in his lacking need for both sustenance and rest. Yet now that his ties to the Dream were cut, he made the realisation that he must procure his own necessities. This would likely prove difficult due to the apparent lack of civilisation on this waking world if they were to be on the moon.

"Perhaps a break would be beneficial, Miss A2." The Hunter suggested.

"... What was that sound just now?"  A2 asked with a confused expression upon her face, wondering why the grumbling noise lead to calling for a break.

"...? The sound originated from my stomach."

"Your... 'stomach'?"

"Yes? I must attain sustenance, or else I may succumb to starvation." The Hunter answered without pause. Perhaps A2 was much like the Doll after all, especially in terms of aspects regarding the lacking need of human necessities. But it was best not to assume, the Hunter concluded, even if the lines on her 'skin' around the joints was already evident of her non-human biology.

"...! Then we better get going."


The forest was decidedly the most suitable location to hunt for prey, with its trees serving as cover from any potential pursuers who may have chased after them. Silently, both the Hunter and A2 navigated throughout the forest in search for suitable sources of food.

During the stroll throughout the ruins, the first detail the Hunter had concluded from observations was that wild game, in the form of large hogs (the Hunter instinctively twitched whenever he saw them) and large moose were an abundance within this strange waking world. A clear sign of the long collapse of civilisation for such large game to roam undisturbed within these ruins, he supposed the remaining vestige of humanity truly had indeed relocated onto the moon, but that did not however help his current situation.

However, because of their large popular number, these wild game were also an abundance located within the forest. Another observation made by the Hunter, was that the swine he encountered in Yharnam had certainly both outweigh (according to online calculators, the Bloodborne pigs probably weigh at minimum 5 tons), and outsize the hogs within this waking world, yet the sole noticeable similarity was that they both tend to be solitary animals. And the pair had eventually encountered one of such hog, which was preoccupied with its consumption of the surrounding vegetation to notice the incoming duo. When they were at a close enough distance, A2 had postured herself to rush in and attack the hog before it could be able to detect them and escape, her hand upon the handle of her large blade and ready to strike.

"Please wait, Miss A2." The Hunter whispered, stopping A2 in her tracks.

"What?" A2 whispered back harshly. "We just need to kill it before it knows we're here."

"Yes indeed, however." The Hunter pulled out the stolen sniper rifle. "I must familiarise myself with this firearm."

"... Why did you bring that with you anyways? Don't you already have a gun?"

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