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Namu: so like

Namu: you know when jin goes to his boyfriends

Namu: does he come home

Hoebi: how come

Namu: well i was gonna make food

Namu: i'll make more if he's gonna be home

Jiminie: i say make it

Jiminie: if he doesn't come back

Jiminie: you can have it for breakfast

Taehyungie: doesn't it depend of what you're making

Yoongles: everything is a breakfast item

Kookoo: yeah

Kookoo: like that time i ate paper

Hoebi: i'm sorry what

Namu: do you need me to call an ambulance


Jiminie: you did drugs?

Jiminie: for breakfast?

Jiminie: i wanna try that

Hoebi: and jimin's a druggy again

Taehyungie: wbk

Yoongles: i still remember that time both of you did drugs

Yoongles: both of you where spacing out like shit

Jiminie: i don't remember that

Taehyungie: yeah because of how strong the edibles where

Namu: wow

Namu: looks like i missed a lot before i got here

Hoebi: probably for the best tho

Hoebi: yk i have good feelings about this year

Hoebi: but also bad

Jiminie: who's gonna fuck everything up

Yoongles: probably jins boyfriend 🙄✋

Taehyungie: welcome back

Namu: why do you all hate him

Namu: i literally don't know this dude but he clearly didn't pass y'all's vibe check

Taehyungie: ew never

Namu: so what happens

Yoongles: so basically

Yoongles: they have been dating since like some point in highschool

Yoongles: they used to hang out a load

Yoongles: one day he was just like hey yall this is my bf

Hoebi: me and yoongi in this situation-



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