Seokjin: namjoon
Seokjin: where did you go
Seokjin: i went to check on you in your room but you weren't there
Namjoon: i dont know i just kinda wanna be alone right now
Seokjin: do you want me to text you back
Namjoon: no
Namjoon: wait can we still text
Namjoon: i just feel weird being around people right now
Seokjin: yeah sure
Seokjin: i'll text until you come back
Namjoon: okay thanks
Namjoon: jin do you think i'm weird
Namjoon: like in a bad way
Seokjin: no of course not
Seokjin: considering our chat i recon your the furthest from weird in a bad way
Namjoon: yeah but you guys know nothing about my life outside of my his school
Seokjin: and that's fine
Seokjin: just becuase we are friends doesn't mean you have to tell us everything
Seokjin: what you tell us is up to you
Seokjin: and if you don't want to tell me or any of the others anything then that's totally fine
Namjoon: thanks
Namjoon: but i think i want to tell you
Seokjin: yeah of course
Namjoon: i guess i just feel weird telling people about this because they view it as abnormal because they have fine relationships with their parents
Seokjin: just because we do doesn't mean that your weird
Seokjin: i had a shit bf and you treated me like i was still a person
Namjoon: yeah
Namjoon: okay so i have no idea how i mean to say this but i'm just going to try
Seokjin: of course take your time
Namjoon: it started when i was like 11 i think
Namjoon: i had a friend called suho
Namjoon: i had other friends but i could tell that something between me and suho was different
Namjoon: i used to go to his house every other day
Namjoon: my dad used to say to me that it was good that i had a friend that close becuase he could help me get a girlfriend when i was older
Namjoon: but when he said that i thought that i didn't want to be with a girl becuase i wanted to be with suho
Namjoon: i said it to my dad and he just laughed and said i was funny because he would kill me if i did anything that i 'should do with a girl' to suho
Seokjin: he said that to you when you where 11??
Seokjin: did your mum not say anything
Namjoon: my dad was heavily abusive to my mum
Namjoon: i lost contact with her when she left when i was 9
Seokjin: omg i'm so sorry namjoon
Namjoon: i mean my dad didn't let me and her have a close relationship because i was a son and i should be closer with him
Seokjin: okay that's just fucked up
Namjoon: yeah i guess
Namjoon: there wasn't really any getting out of it
Namjoon: but anyways
Namjoon: when i was 12 suho came over to my house and we where just chilling in my room
Namjoon: we decided to kiss but the moment we did my dad can in telling us that dinner was ready
Namjoon: he never let suho stay after that and he practically called me a fag everyday since
Namjoon: sometimes he got physical if j did sometime to piss him off
Seokjin: it shouldn't matter if you piss him off or not
Seokjin: he shouldn't get physical
Namjoon: yeah that's why coming to this college was a good thing
Namjoon: he calls and shouts sometimes but i don't have to be in the same room as him
Namjoon: i guess that's why i've been scared to accept who i am
Seokjin: i get that
Seokjin: well not the situation
Seokjin: but just know that you can take as long as you need to find out who you are
Seokjin: me and the others are always going to be there to support you if you find out yourself tomorrow or never at all
Seokjin: just don't bottle everything up like this
Seokjin: we aren't going to judge you for it
Namjoon: thanks jin
Seokjin: no problem <3
Seokjin: you coming back to the dorm now
Namjoon: yeah i'll be there in five
Seokjin: okay <3

roommates | namjin
Fanfictionjin: do you guys mind if i add someone to the group jin: he's the new roommate i got for this year yoongi: yeah that's fine seokjin added namjoon to the chat '✨crackheads✨' namjoon: why is the chat called crackheads namjoon: are you all a bunch of d...