Namu: this kelvin guy
Namu: what the fuck
Taehyungie: ahhh you finally met him
Taehyungie: was it as bad as we told you
Namu: i mean if i talk about it won't jin see the texts
Kookoo: yeah but we have been telling him for two years that this kelvin guy ain't it
Kookoo: just go for it
Namu: wait let me get ss
Hoebi: okay vibes 😎
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Jiminie: pls he's so controlling but thinks it's fine
Jiminie: he always thinks that everything he does is right
Namu: so he's a narcissist
Yoongles: omg yeah
Yoongles: we where low-key trying to think of that word for two years
Namu: you do realise you could have just looked on google?
Hoebi: 🧍
Hoebi: moving on
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Kookoo: tbh he's so scary
Kookoo: like if I dated someone like that I would shit myself
Jiminie: is that the best comparison Koo-
Kookoo: yes
Kookoo: but fr
Kookoo: like i'm my own person
Kookoo: someone saying they own you is so toxic
Yoongles: wbk
Yoongles: he's a toxic person
Hoebi: ^^
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roommates | namjin
Fanfictionjin: do you guys mind if i add someone to the group jin: he's the new roommate i got for this year yoongi: yeah that's fine seokjin added namjoon to the chat '✨crackheads✨' namjoon: why is the chat called crackheads namjoon: are you all a bunch of d...