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Namjoon: hey

Namjoon: i'm gonna order food

Namjoon: you want anything

Namjoon: i dont know when you are coming back

Seokjin: erm what the fuck

Namjoon: hi to you too

Namjoon: you aren't gonna be too late

Namjoon: are you

Seokjin: who the fuck are you

Namjoon: namjoon?

Namjoon: your roommate

Namjoon: dude it's the middle on june i think your april fools pranks is a bit late

Seokjin: oh

Seokjin: so you are him

Namjoon: and you are????

Namjoon: i'm guessing you aren't Jin?

Seokjin: i'm his boyfriend

Namjoon: oh

Namjoon: could you ask him if he wants anything ordered

Seokjin: no

Namjoon: and why is that

Seokjin: because he's eating here

Namjoon: okay

Namjoon: well you could have just said that in the first place

Namjoon: it was just a question

Seokjin: okay and?

Seokjin: you shouldn't be talking to my boyfriend

Namjoon: but i'm his roommate

Namjoon: we kinda live together

Seokjin: and that's all it's going to be

Namjoon: compared to what-

Seokjin: to anything

Seokjin: don't talk to him

Seokjin: i'll have to talk to him about you

Namjoon: erm what

Seokjin: he can't speak to anyone else

Namjoon: don't you think that's a bit controlling

Seokjin: how

Seokjin: he belongs to me

Seokjin: i tell him what he can and can't do

Seokjin: and who he can and cant talk to

Namjoon: you say you're not controlling-

Seokjin: i'm not

Seokjin: i'm just looking out for my seokjinie

Namjoon: my?

Namjoon: bit possessive

Seokjin: how

Namjoon: doesn't matter if someone is in a relationship or not

Namjoon: they are still their own person

Seokjin: i'm just doing what's best for him

Namjoon: how do i know you havent kidnapped him or something

Seokjin: kidnapped?

Seokjin: i told him his friends where weird

Seokjin: there


Seokjin: look he's fine

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Seokjin: look he's fine

Namjoon: right okay

Namjoon: i dont know who you are

Seokjin: jins boyfriend

Seokjin: kelvin

Namjoon: well kelvin

Namjoon: i meant as in i've never seen you

Seokie: do you think you could swap rooms with me

Namjoon: and why would i do that

Seokjin: so i can be with jinie

Seokjin: i don't want you near him

Namjoon: yeah you said that before

Namjoon: your really fucking possessive

Seokjin: no it's called love

Namjoon: no it's called being possessive

Seokjin: look

Seokjin: Jin is luckily that i that i'm letting him be friends with those other six

Namjoon: what do you pick and choose who he can and can't be friends with???

Seokjin: it's only to protect him

Namjoon: taking someone's free will isn't protecting him

Namjoon: you're basically telling him what i he can and can't do

Seokjin: and that's why i don't like you

Seokjin: i don't want you near jin

Seokjin: okay?

Namjoon: i'm his roommate

Seokjin: just crash at the kids hoseoks dorm

Namjoon: so you are kicking me out of my own dorm

Seokjin: only for jin ;)

Namjoon: you're a fucking creep

Seokjin: if you talk to jin

Seokjin: just know i know people

Namjoon: what the fuck-

Seokjin: i'm being serious

Seokjin: don't go near him

Namjoon: fine

Namjoon: whatever

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