Chapter 2

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Sirius POV:

The four of us sat in the great hall, waiting for Dumbledore to finish the welcome speech. It was the same every year, No going into the forbidden forest, try to keep the halls clean, the curfew is at 10:30 p.m no exceptions and classes start at 8. The only new thing this year was that we had our O.W.L's at the end of the school year. Other than that, I didn't really pay any attention to the speech, I much preferred spending this time thinking about what our first prank of the year would be.

After a while of planning to glue plastic cups to the floor of the herbology classroom. I looked up to find James quickly looking away from somewhere, presumably Lily, blushing as red the rug in our common room. "What are you blushing at mate?" I decided to ask, maybe he had gotten over Evans(although that's highly unlikely)

"N-n-nothing. Just looking at something." James stuttered out his response almost as if he was lying... na, not James. I would know. I looked at Remus and he was smirking. Did he know something I didn't?  That would be silly, right? No Remmy would tell me. 

" Siri, don't you have to see your brother tonight?" Remus reminded me, Ah yes, Regulus. He's my younger than me and the favourite child. He was the heir of house black while I was disowned for my hogwarts house. Mind you, I don't really care about them seeing as I live with James now but it still kinda stung that they cared that little for me. After those oh so happy train of thought ended I looked back at James and he went even redder, How odd. Maybe he's sick? Yes that must be it there's no other plosable explanation.

"Alright students, follow the prefects to the common rooms to find your new spots." Dumbledore dismissed us. Had I really been that lost in thought? Once all the students reach the Gryffindor common room everybody except the firsties was dismissed to go to bed and unpack. Moony held me back to as me to unpack his stuff as he was one of the Gryffindor prefects. Of course I agreed and went up to unpack. 

James, Peter, Remmy and I all share a room, there used to be another but he left Hogwarts to go study somewhere else. After we had all mostly unpacked Rem came up and joined us and reminded me once again to go and see my brother on the quiddich pitch before we both had to go back to the common room due to curfew.  And so, I headed off to the pitch.

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