battle of the roast Part 8

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Remi-portable charger


John: I'm roasting Sera, Sera's roasting Arlo, Arlo's roasting Elaine, Isen's roasting Blyke, Blyke's roasting Remi, Remi's roasting Evie, Evie's roasting me

portable charger: It's going to be hard roasting someone so wholesome >.<

John: okay I'm going first let me think of a roast for Sera

Sera: I doubt your smart enough to think of one

John: well you're not exactly genius material yourself

Sera: wdym I am a person of rare intelligence  (*>ᴗ•<*)و ̑̑

John: it's rare that you show any 

Goku: BUUUUURN!!!!

John: it wasn't even planned!!!!

innocence: XD

Sera: my ego.....

Isen: nobody cares about your huge inflated ego

John: it's quite deflated now

Isen: I stand corrected.

innocence: your turn Sera ! :D

Sera: I'm going to burn you so hard arlo! >:D

arlo: there goes the decapitalizasion again...

John: hey tommorow want to get woaba boaba

Sera: sure!

Sera: wanna come Elaine?

bandaid: sure!

bandaid: can Arlo come?

Goku: SIMP!!!

bandaid: shut up!

bandaid: can he?

Sera: maybe

bandaid: I'm pretty sure he only went to woaba boaba once or twice with us

Sera: probably only once, I don't make the same mistake twice

Sera: here



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