Favorite Animals

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When I saw Dan smile, I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. With that in mind, I was determined to make him happy, just so I could see his beautiful smile.

I happily smiled back and led Dan out of the bathroom, pulling him gently out of the school. I then led him over to my '67 Chevy Impala and watched as his eyes widened.

"Th-that's a cool car.."

My smile grew and I almost chuckled at the look of awe on his face.

"Thanks, it was my dad's." I said as we reached the car. "He gave it to me shortly before he passed away." I added as I opened the passenger door for Dan, my smile never dulling.

When I saw Dan blush, I had to keep myself from patting myself on the back and closed the door after Dan got in. I then climbed into the driver's side and started the car. When the engine purred to life, I couldn't help but grin. This car was my baby.

"Do you mind if I put on some music?" I asked as I looked over him.

"...No, it's fine..."

I frowned slightly when I heard how small Dan's voice was. I wondered why he you make his voice so small? I wasn't going to hurt him.

"Do you have a music preferance?" I asked as I pulled out my iPod.

"I-I um... I don't know... It d-doesn't m-matter, I s-s-suppose..."

I smiled softly before plugging up my iPod and looking through my music.

"I'll just play my favorite list then."

I looked back out the front window and pulled out of the parking lot. The first song that played was 'Pardon Me' by He Is We. I hummed along as I turned onto the highway. When I heard Dan's breath hitch, I frowned and looked at him from the corner of my eye.

"Is everything alright?" I asked worriedly.

"Ye-ye-yeah... I-I'm f-f-fi-ine..."

My frown depened when I heard the fear in Dan's voice. I looked back over at him and could feel myself geeting even more worried.

"You don't sound fine..." I said before I took the closest exit and quickly pulled into a mostly empty parking lot.

"Are you afraid of the highway?" I asked in a warm and worried tone as I turned to face him.

I could see embarrassment in his eyes before he looked down at his lap.

"I-I... I-I'm af-fraid of be-being i-i-in a-a ca-a-ar... A-and t-terrif-fied of th-the hi-i-ighw-way..." Dan replied, his voice barely a whisper.

My eyes softened and I quickly turned off the car.

"That's nothing to be ashamed of." I sais softly as I got out of the car. "Come on."

I watched as Dan hesitated before getting out of the car as well.

"Where are we going?" I noticed that he sounded much better now that he was out of the car.

"I'm going to walk with you to my house."



My eyes widened in shock. Phil was going to leave his car? Here?

"Y-you don't have to do that..." I said as Phil walked over to me.

"It's fine. Besides, I could use some exercise."

I wasn't used to this. No one was ever this ncie to me. So, for the whole walk, I thought of ways I could repay Phil for his generousity.


Phil stopped walking when we got to a very nice looking house. The house in front of us was bigger than my own and seemed huge. How many people lived here with Phil?

Phil took my hand again and I wasn't sure if I should keep letting him do that. But, I wasn't complaining.

Phil led me into the house and my eyes widened once again. It looked even bigger on the inside (a/n: Who can guess that reference??? ;3). There was a grand entryway and as Phil led me further into the house, I saw a huge living room and a beautiful kitchen (the kind I've always dreamt about). There were some more closed doors before we got to the very last room and wlaked in.

Phil's room.

I stopped and looked around curiously. The walls were a light blue with Buffy posters all over the place. He had a very nice brown dresser that was covered in stuffed animals. A sleek black piano took up one corner of the room. A large bed, with blue sheets, was pushed up against one wall (not far from the piano). On the desk, to the right of the bed, was a seemingly brand Apple destop with a Macbook Air right next to it. Between the laptop and desktop was a Samsung NX20 CSC camera.

Just looking at all of this stuff made me jealous, but I didn't let it show. I didn't want to seem rude, so instead I smiled at him and told him he had a nice room.

"Thanks. I'm thinking of actually getting it painted purple." Phil said as he smiled brightly.

"That would be a nice color.."

I stood awkwardly as Phil sat down on the bed. I watched as Phil looked over at his desk before looking back over at me.

"I was going to film a new video today. Do you want to help?"

I froze, unable to move or make a sound.

Me? In a video? For thousands of people to see. Maybe even more. Would I be able to do that?

"...I don't know if I can..." I replied shyly and quietly.

I watched as he stood up and walked over to me with a smile.

"It'll be fun! I promise."

Alright... I can do this.. How bad can it actually be?

"Just one video." I said as I sat down in front of Phil's bed.

One video couldn't possibly change my life... I thought as I watched Phil's smile turn into a grin before he set up his camera and sat down next to me.

I have no idea what to do!

"Hey guys~" Phil said as he waved to the camera. "So today I made a new friend! This is my new friend, Dan!"

"Hi..." I said as I waved shyly.

"So I thought I would do something different. Q and A. So, I asked you guys to ask me some questions."

Okay... I can do this... It's just some questions... Nothing too bad... Unless I messed up, then it would be on the internet forever...

"First question: what is your favorite animal?"

I looked over at Phil, wondering if I should answer this.

Might as well.

"Llamas. Definitely llamas." Phil smiled.

"Lions, of course."


Hello once again lovely people!! I have just finished another chapter for you! Please comment and let us know what you think~

I hope you all liked it as much as the last chapter!! I will update another chapter soon!

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